Season of Marriage

Seems like more of my friend decided on their partner for life. Last weekend, I attended 2 wedding dinner for my friend. And in the dinner, I heard 2 more friend that is arranging their wedding. Either registered, or accepted their bf proposal.

See them one by one walking to the "graveyard" of love, I kind of envy and jealous. Where is mine?

I start to believe, love is not a logic thing. Not a mathematic equation. You can't explain in term of science or using reasonable words. Just like you never know why you are not the one for him/her. You just know that you and him/her is not fated. Not destined for each other.

So my mom keep ask me why no date anyone, I can only say my yuen fen not yet arrive.

Oh yeah, I did pray at Taiwan temple, ask for a sign again. This time the answer I get is "marriage going to be late".

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