
Just finish watch this movie. A very interesting movie that suit the name of this blog a lot.

OK not the pray part. Meditation will kill me... SO for me it gonna be EAT.PLAY.LOVE. :P

A friend of me is planning for such a trip for 6 months in New Zealand. Working in farms and part time while off to play around in free time. Honestly I am so tempted to go. But I need to face the reality. The reality that I am a poor guy to indulge such a backpacking travel.

I can't imagine go travel and then comeback to find that I spent all my saving, without any jobs and still need economy bailout from my parents. I promise myself that no matter how difficult I am, I will not need money from my parent anymore. Because I have use enough parent money from when I grow up till now.

So God, if you really have destiny plan for me somehow, or that you want me to go too, please let me win lottery first before I go. So that I won't comeback penniless.

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