Character interview of Sed Lionheart from Rock Hard

I am really excited today because I am doing the first character interview of Review Carnival. And my guest today is none other than.....Sedric Lionheart who is the lead singer of the uber-cool rock band 'Sinners' in Olivia Cunning's new erotic romance series Sinner on Tour.

To find out more about Olivia and the Sinners (there is a book for each band member) visit The first book featuring guitarist Bryan is already available in bookstores and Rock Hard featuring Sed will go on sale in April 2011.

So here's Sed

Allow me to introduce Sedric “Sed” Lionheart, the lead singer of the sensational rock band, Sinners.
Thanks for having me. Is this a book blog?

Yes, but it’s also about music and other things.
Oh. I was wondering why you invited me here. I don’t read much, but music is my life.

You are the lead character in a book. Rock Hard by Olivia Cunning.
I haven’t read it.

Here's the band together- group photo!

Do you mind if I ask you some questions?
That’s what I’m here for.

Favorite band- I don’t have a favorite band. We’re opening for Exodus End in Las Vegas soon. They’re awesome.
Favorite music genre- Hard rock and metal
First love- Music. Or did you mean a girl?
Zodiac- Leo
Favorite place- On stage
Qualities admired in a woman- smart, sexy, caring, and I love a woman with a temper
Biggest secret- I have dimples (I hate them)
Your motto- Anything for a fan.

What made you decide you wanted to be a singer?
I wasn’t good at anything else. Honestly, it’s my only talent. I didn’t even know that’s what I wanted to do until I used a fake ID to get into some crappy little bar in Los Angeles. On stage, was some unknown band called Crysys made up of a bunch of punk teenagers, like myself. They were amazing. I’d never heard a more sensual sound. Sometimes you just know that you were meant to do something. You feel it in your gut. I knew instantly that these guys were going somewhere and I had to be a part of it.
Unfortunately, they already had a singer and I don’t play an instrument. A little violin, but nothing that would get me into a band with that kind of raw talent. I’m still not sure how I convinced Eric to give up singing to become Sinners’ drummer. I tend to be a little pushy, I suppose.
So we rearranged the band a little. They hadn’t found a permanent drummer, so the guy helping them out—he was in a different band—stepped aside. Eric Sticks, who had been their singer and bassist, became the drummer. Since you can’t drum and play bass at the same time, Eric got a friend of his, Jon Mallory, to join as our new bassists. The guitarists Brian Sinclair and Trey Mills stayed on. They’re the heart of the group. We had to keep them together. And I sang. We changed the name of the band to Sinners and became an instant failure. We didn’t let that stop us. I believed in the group. They believed in the group. We never let ourselves quit or lose our vision, even when it looked like we’d never catch a break. When we finally hit it big, we didn’t stop and rest on our laurels, we kept pushing, growing, evolving.
Sorry, I think I lost sight of the question there. You can probably tell I’m passionate about this band, our music.

So how long has Sinners been together?
Ten years now. We starved for the first eight.

I thought Jace Seymour was your bassist. Who is Jon Mallory?
Jace has been with the band for two years. Jon Mallory was forced to quit for personal reasons.

Which would be?

Okay. Touchy subject. What is your favorite song to sing and why?
My favorite song to perform live is Twisted. It really pumps up the crowd. I love the crowd. I also like Goodbye Is Not Forever. That’s our ballad. More singing, less screaming. Did I mention Sinners is a metal band?

Do you have any pre-show rituals?
I chew red licorice. It keeps my throat and cords pliable. I do a lot of screaming during a live show. If I’m not careful, I could damage my throat.

When you aren't touring, what do you like to do in your free time?
Workout. Write music. Swim in the ocean. Shoot pool. Watch a game and have a beer with my buds. Play beach volleyball. Sex—that’s my favorite pastime.

What's your favorite position?
That’s a tough one. There are so many great positions. Quarterback. Running back. Linebacker. I can’t choose just one. Or were you talking about some other type of position?

Never mind. Are you close to your other band mates?
They’re my best friends. I’d die for any one of them. Even Eric. Because we tour so much, we practically live on top of each other ten months out of the year. If we didn’t get along well, we’d end up killing each other.

How do you keep in such great physical condition while on tour?
It isn’t nutrition. We don’t eat healthy when we’re on tour. I do have a weight set in the equipment truck. I work out with free weights at least an hour a day. I also do a lot of sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups on the bus. Wanna feel my abs? They’re rock hard.

Is that why this book you’re in is called Rock Hard?
What do you think?

What singers do you look up to?
Axl Rose, Freddie Mercury, Maximilian Richardson, and Luciano Pavarotti

What do you do with the bras women throw at you on stage?
The roadies have made a giant slingshot out of them. We use it to fling pies at cars when we get bored on the tour bus.
*lol* No, not really. The roadies collect them after the shows. I don’t know what they do with them. Sorry, ladies. We don’t sleep with them under our pillows or anything. The roadies might.

Over the past couple of years, you’ve gotten the reputation of being quite a playboy. It’s said you go through women like most men go through socks. Any chance that you’ll settle down?
Yeah, sure. If I found the right woman. I thought I found her once, but she left me to go to law school. I must have been wrong about her.

So what’s next for Sinners?
We’ve started working on our next album. Amazing stuff on this one. It should be out later this year. We’re still touring and promoting our last album, Shattered, so if we stop in your town, you should come out and see our show. I guarantee you’ll have a great time.

Thank you, Sed, for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us.
Anything for a fan.

Isn't he sweet? I'm so glad I got the opportunity to interview him. Want to find out more about this upcoming superstar? Go to and read excerpts, short stories and participate in fun contests.

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