Movie and me....

Today is another public holiday that I need to spend working in the office. It is not really such a bad idea since going out on a holiday means pack anywhere you go.
Plus the hot weather of Malaysia, staying in office is not that bad idea.

Especially the work I need to do is minimal and watching movie is the main task. Hehehe \(^_^)/

Today I watch 2 movie. The first movie is call "No string attached"
A romantic comedy staring Natalie Portman and another guy that I don't care to remember his name. :P

Anyway the movie is about a girl that do not believe with Love agree to have a sex only relationship with a guy. Of course in the end she found out she so deeply in love and miss the guy. A very sweet movie. Not bad for a boring holiday afternoon.

But while watching this movie, I suddenly remember when me and her in redbox karaoke room. Just 2 of us sing K. and then because I mistakenly push next for a song she want to sing, she take my arm and bite me really hard. My reaction that time is beyond human nature. Because by instinct when we get hurt we will get away first. Like when we touch a hot kettle we will withdraw our hand faster then we can think.

But when she took my arm and bite, I feel so sweet. And I just let her bite it. She ask is it pain. And I just say no. It feel sweet.

I still remember the bite mark is so deep that you can still see it after more then half hour. And I took picture of it to remember it.

Why watching these kind of sweet romantic comedy movie will remind me of her? I don't know.

The 2nd movie that I watch is one of the best movie I have ever watch. A Japanese movie name Confession. I will recommend all people to watch this movie.

Just watch it and concentrate on each small detail in the movie. And you will appreciate the hard work of the script writer, director and everyone else.

The lesson I learn from this movie is never try to hurt or destroy anyone life, because revenge or consequence from it can be so scary that it is beyond all your imagination. Just like we human destroying this mother nature, the revenge can be seen and feel little by little now.

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