7 Deadly Sins - Greed (Avarice)

According to Christian, there is 7 Deadly sin, wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.
These sins is the original sins of human.

But I am not going to dwell further into Christian teaching. I just wish to share about Greed.

Most human search for wealth, fame, power and other luxury material. Since my colleage time, I have seen peers of my age have this greed. They can say RM2000 is not enough for them to spent each month. A fresh graduate salary normally is RM1500 - RM1800 that time. They can spent RM600 at saloon for their hair (Treatment, perm etc).

Due to these greed, they often become prey to swindler. Swindler will show them a high profit return scheme that can generate 5 figure income to them. One common tactic used is MLM. Multi Level Marketing. The name can be manipulate or change a lot but the basic idea is still the same. Such as,
1. You need to pay a big amount of money to join.
2. You will get an item/product that have same value with what you are paying to join. And when you want to leave this business, you can sell your item/product.
3. When they start the talk, they will tell you how nice and good their product is and that it really worth the money you pay.
4. Now this part is the most important and what makes these kind of business heading wrong direction. Instead of recruiting you to help sell their "good" item/product. They are actually asking you to help recruit more people and join them under you as your subordinate.
5. The profit payout is also not based on how many product/goods you are selling but is based on how many new people you able to recruit to work under you.

If you cannot see thru the swindler tactic, then try recognize these common phrase used.
1. You have spent RMXX,000, and study so much for your degree. Yet when you start work, you can only make RM1500 - Rm1800. How long does it take to pay the education loan. And when will you able to save enough money for House?
2. See this Miss A, she is still college student but is earning 20k a month.
3. We are not direct sales. We are MLM
4. You are the boss of your business.
5. You can work part time and it will not use too much time.

Most people who join these kind of things have no idea what are they doing. Direct sales that most people feel is wrong is totally opposite. True or Real Direct Sales will involve product that you really can sell to other people. A product that people really buy it. And thus the profit that you gain is actually profit from selling the product.

MLM or other fast profit scheme have a product that sound like very great. But if you really try to sell this product, you won't be able to do it. This product also may not generate enough profit to actually cover amount of profit you gain. Thus if you are smart, you should ask why am I making so many profit and what did the company gain from this.

The truth is you just become a con artist by tricking other to join you and work under you. As more people join under you, their joining fee is travel up to reach you and others that is above you. And the profit is seen. Problem arise when this kind of recruiting grow to a stage where the bottom level is not able to recruit more people to join in and pay the profit to those at higher level. And so the whole business model fail.

I can continue to explain more on how these kind of fast profit scheme is design to fail but that is not the whole point.

The main reason why we fall to easy con tactic like this is because we are greedy. We wish to earn money fast with little effort. This world is not as simple as it seems. And no one will give you money to earn if you did not in turn help them earn more money.

p/s: I just meet a friend from facebook. this friend is inside such a fast earning profit scheme. And is trying to recruit me. Feel sad to see this as I have seen many more people done this before.

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