Author Interview- Alretha Thomas

I have a new interview for all of you today. I am interviewing women's fiction author Alretha Thomas.


Favorite color- Pink
Favorite author-Terry McMillan
Favorite book/books- "Waiting to Exhale" by Terry McMillan, "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker, "What You Owe Me" by the late Bebe Moore Campbell, "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb, and "Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt, to name a few.
Zodiac sign-Libra
Place of your dreams-In my car on my two-hour commute home every day.
Your motto- Do what you love and the money will eventually follow!

The serious questions

1. Is the life of a writer as you imagined it to be?

Ans. I never imagined what a writer's life would be like. I've always envisioned what I wanted my life to be like as a writer. My dream is to be well off, free from the 9-5 grind, writing books, plays, having my books optioned for movies, and being apart of those movies as a producer. I saw myself being apart of every aspect of the movie making process, from casting to the red carpet premiere. I also saw myself being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, Entertainment tonight, and all the other entertainment shows. Am I there yet? No. But I'm having a ball getting there.

2. What genre do you write and why?

Ans. I write fiction geared toward women. This genre allows me the freedom to use my imagination and to tap into incidents in my life that have impacted me most and that most women can relate to. For instance, my current novel "Dancing Her Dreams Away" involves the protaganist Shelia getting a job in dance hall at night so she can audition during the day. I did the same twenty-five years ago.

3. What inspires you the most?

Ans. My inner life. I have so many stories buried within that I have to give birth to. So far I've had two children. My debut novel "Daughter Denied" and my current novel "Dancing Her Dreams Away."

4. What kind of characters/setttings do you like?

Ans. I like characters who are flawed but that a reader can relate to and feel empathy for. I like modern day settings. Mainly Los Angeles and San Francisco. I grew up in those cities.

5. As a reader, would you prefer to read comedy, romance or sci-fi/fantasy?

Ans. (The one which is the closest to your interests) I prefer romance.

6. Have you ever suffered the dreaded writer's block?

Ans. How do you deal with it? I have never suffered from writer's block. Stories just pour out of me. However, I have a very strenuous editing process.

7. What message would you like to give your fans?

Ans. Thank you so much for your ongoing support. I would be nothing without you!

Here are some sites where you can find out more about her-


Shelia King needs to keep her days open for auditions. With eviction looming, she scrambles to find a night job and convinces the owner of a hostess club to hire her. When her agent pitches a topless role, Shelia, fearing her grandmother's disapproval, declines. But after considerable thought, she agrees to meet the producer. Gregory is rich, suave, and ridiculously fine. Shelia shapes plans to win the role and his heart. She gets both, works hard to give an Oscar worthy performance, but when the movie wraps, nothing can prepare her for the revelations about Greg’s past and the aftermath of a dream gone awry.

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