Beautiful girls, all over the world

"Beautiful girls, all over the world,
I could be chasing, but my time would be wasted." --- B.O.B - Nothing On You

My ex-girlfriend use to ask me. Why I love to see pretty girl with good body shape. Set them as handphone wall paper and office pc wallpaper. But I still choose her. I say something similar to this song lyric to her. I like to see pretty girl but I love you. Damn I am so smart with words that time. Hahaha.....

Sometime my close friend that really care for me tell me, "Don't set too high standard for your future spouse. Think of yourself. Don't think of Rainie Yang (楊丞琳), Jeon Ji-hyun (全智賢) as you gf requirement. But really, I know I am not that handsome. And even though I wish for a beauty to be my future spouse, but I really feel that my future spouse should be someone I care and feel comfortable to be with. The kind of feeling that when she smile will brighten up your day. The kind of person that you hope when you wake up, she is sleeping right beside you. And that is all I wish for. Yet this seems to be so hard to achieve.

Love journey for me is really not smooth trip. And I am kind of lost now....

Career wise. By chinese saying, when your love luck is not good, you should have better luck at other place, but I feel my career is moving to a dark road with a lot of trap and thorns. Going to change my boss soon, and from the news I heard, she is not such a nice person to work with. haiz...

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