Spring has finally arrived?!?!?!

Has spring finally arrived? Has the God finally answer my prayers for a GF?

Very suddenly I find myself have 2 date with 2 different girl next week. One I have gone out to have dinner before. Another is never meet before and only chat in Facebook. Btw, both is cute and pretty in their way. I suddenly feel spring has arrived. And I am scared. Nightmare or curse for me?

These few days I feel so abnormal. Like some bad omen. I suddenly dream of something very unusual and I still remember the dream after I wake up.

One is I become one of the survivor in post apocalyptic nuclear war. I travel alone to a village that is occupy by gang lord. The leader control the water source and village must obey him in order to have water for survival. When I arrive, the leader is astonished by my ability to survive in the wastelands. He wish for me to join him and be his henchmen. I try to leave and is attack by the gang. They taught I will surrender because I am alone and badly outnumbered by them. I did not because I still own some pre-nuclear war weaponry. As I use my plasma gun to kill the bandit one by one. The leader is scared and run to hide in his bunker. I chase and kill him. I also found out how he control the water source. I let the villager have the water source control again. The villagers thanks me and wishes me to stay but I decline. I headed to wastelands alone. Without any company.

That is my dream. Weird?

Another one...

Emm.. I guess next time coz I feel I need to sleep now.

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