Drama addict...

Yes I am drama addict. Here is a short list of drama and my review for it

1. Doctor Jin Part 1 & 2

Story - A Brain Specialist name Minakata Jin, who mysteriously time travel to the past, before Japan modernization(Edo Period). There he meet people that is important in history and slowly his action in the past have change the course of the future world that he live. Fear of the changes he made may cause disaster like the butterfly effect and unknown of way to go back to future, he continue to live in the past while searching for the way to go home and reason he is sent to the past.

My Review :- This is certainly one of the best Japan drama of recent times. Very serious production. Excellent story, soundtrack and cast. My only complain is one episode every week is a real pain and the over realistic surgery operation scene that at times can be too bloody. Certainly not for underage kid as even adult I feel this is too bloody. But then have to respect the professional production of this drama. For bringing the kind of realistic surgery scene.

2. Secret Garden

Story - Same type of 4 main character story. 2 guy and 2 gal. The main guy is handsome, rich, very capable in business. The main girl is cheerful, poor but very athletic.

My Review :- The story is really kind of lame to begin with. Too much similarities with other Korean drama, and thus I skip this drama at first. Until my colleague recommend it to me and ask me to watch it. Well after 2 episode, I am addicted to it, and laughing hysterically in office while watching it. Other colleague label me as insane that time. XD

So what makes this drama special? First is the comedy part that involve the complex relationship of the each character and the switch of body between the main guy and girl. Also due to the switch, they able to understand each other more and more attracted to each other. Second is the great music that go with the drama, "That Man" and "That Woman"

The bad side of this drama is also the script. When near the ending, the comedy part is slowly disappearing and suddenly it become like Titanic for the lover, where only one of them can live. So is it sad ending? Go watch yourself.

3. City Hunter

Story - The main actor, is smart MIT graduate that specialized in networking. Work in Blue Resident to protect the President house network. Hidden motive is to revenge for the death of his father comrade that is killed by the corrupted politician of South Korea.

My Review - This drama is definitely a MUST watch for all Lee Min Ho fans and Handsome Boy fans. The story in my view is really FAILED. But of course fans will argue with me on this. XD

1. They bought the right to shot this drama based on the story of a famous Japan Comic name, City Hunter. But the whole drama is almost not related to City Hunter. Even the XYZ is just mention once in the whole drama.

2. A son of a drug-lord, is innocent naive guy that try to protect the poor innocent people and try not to kill anyone. So he don't know the drug his "father" sell is killing and destroying people life? Very illogical if you ask me.

3. He is more of a Rambo. Always just rush into place without planning. So not surprising that he got into trouble numerous time.

4. The 2nd actress connection with the story is really weak. So purposely link her to the main character by saying she is the doctor that help the guy remove the bullet etc. Btw she is a veterinarian. So the Lee Min Ho is treated like a dog by her.

5. What the fuck and why need to so sudden say Lee Min Ho father is not as simple as it seems. Feel it is a very lame attempt by the script writer to create a climax during the ending. Really lame in my opinion and unnecessary at all.

Well although there is a lot of flaw for the script in my opinion. I still recommend Lee Min Ho fans to watch this drama. He is really cool and awesome in it.

These are the drama that I watch recently. Will continue to share if there is any that I find good to recommend.

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