My life in a week time. That make me feel moody....

Justice lies in the hand of people that survive....

I intended to blog on a very lavish dinner that I have last weekend, but instead my mood got deeply affected by a series of event over the past weekend that leave me very tired and in need for a holiday break. Or just someone that really care for me to be beside me.

To begin, Monday the new management and people in my office continue to irritate me with their fake behavior and false laugh. Why we can't be a bit more real and need to be so fake?

Tuesday, my car break down with a flat tyre. Hunger for food and the trouble in replacing the flat tyre with with a spare cause me to only reach home at 11.30pm.

Wednesday, begins a series of event on my online game Castle Age. One that I really hate. The developer of the game created a new thing in the game that is not working right from the begining. After some players decide to make use of a flaw in their game design to legally let other player get the new thing, the CA developer suddenly announce all those people who use the flaw is cheater and is therefore will be tracked, punished accordingly.

Also a Logitech mouse that I receive as birthday gift from my colleague start to give me problem. The left button click start to not working as responsive as it use to be. Sometimes doing a double click, when I just click it once. Time to buy a new mouse? If really there is no $$$ problem, I will just change the whole PC.

Thursday, I get more disappointed with what some of the idiot player that is playing the game and fall for the stupid excuse of CA developer. For me, I feel the game itself is not fair to begin with and is never design to be a fair game for everyone. It is design to let anyone that pay the CA developer more money to have a big advantage over other who intend not to do it. And now when the player who did not do it, use the game design flaw, to achieve similar or greater advantage, these player start to whine. And instead of blaming the game developer for failing to design a better game, they turn and call these player as cheater/loser. So they feel their act of paying money for the game is not an act of cheating and loser who just want to win in the game?

This scenario become like a scene of justice only belong to people that survive and can talk about it. Because the cheater who maybe is honest player is banned in the game to defense their action.

Anyway, I decided a very simple solution to this matter. I will just quit the game and move on. Coz this is not the only game I feel face with the problem. Anyone who pay to play is just throwing the money in to the sea. It maybe better for them to just use it on other entertainment such as a movie.

To make my day more worse, my pair of Nike sneaker start to smile at both side. I am left without a choice but to buy a new pair urgently. And there goes my RM350

Friday(today), my Faye Wong concert plan seems to come to a full halt. Without anyone to accompany me for it. I wonder why from all the friends that I know, none seems to willing go with me. Sad sad....

I suddenly feel want to just fly to some place and relax. Take a break.

And more important, I feel I need a person beside me that will go thru the laugh and tears with me. The only person that is closest is the person that share the laugh, share the nice meal with me. But never interested to share the problem and tears of mine. For all the words you spoke, your action really disappointed me and also what make me to decide leave and not turning back....

Sharing with all my friends, a song that I love to hear recently....

That Man - Hyun Bin, From Korean Drama "Secret Garden"

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