The Shinsedai Cinema Festival starts its 2012 online fundraising campaign
Sunday, November 6, 2011
As you know from our spotty posting as of late, we at the J-Film Pow-Wow, along with author and film historian Jasper Sharp, have already been involved in some serious planning for the 4th annual Shinsedai Cinema Festival taking place at Toronto's Revue Cinema between July 12th and 15th of next year. As part of our prep work for this showcase of new independent film from Japan we have begun a 60-day online fundraising campaign via IndieGoGo, the world's largest global funding platform.
Running until January 3rd, film lovers like you will be able to help fund what The Toronto Star has called "one of the city's youngest and most original movie events". Our fundraising goal is $7,000, money that will go not only go towards guest relations costs (food, beverages, sightseeing, etc.) for the festival, but most importantly to pay for roundtrip airfare for our Japanese guests to come and personally present their films to a Toronto audience. For filmmakers, who in many have to support their filmmaking by working various jobs, this is a huge opportunity.
All we need are 350 film fans to donate $20 each. That's just the cost of one night out at the movies, or the purchase of a single DVD! Those of you who are in the position to donate more are invited to do so, and you will either be able enjoy special perks in exchange, such as free passes for our 2012 festival, or you can choose to receive a tax deductible receipt for the amount of your donation. Regardless of the amount you are able to give all backers of the 4th annual Shinsedai Cinema Festival will be given personal thanks as "Friends of the Festival" on our website and in our printed festival program.
So, please give and tell your friends about how they can give so that the 4th annual Shinsedai Cinema Festival will be the best festival we've had yet! Check out the fundraising campaign HERE.