J-Film Pow-Wow on a month long break -- See you March 1st!

by Chris MaGee

There are probably more than a few of our regular readers who have been checking the blog and scratching their heads recently. Where have those guys gone? Where are the latest updates? Well, the good news is that we're still here, and in fact very busy at the moment, both with personal and professional duties. That especially goes for J-Film Pow-Wow editor and chief Chris MaGee. The bit of bad news is that this has kept us from our blogging duties, for which we sincerely apologize.

After deliberation amongst all of the crew we have decided to take a brief month long break from regular posts. THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE J-FILM POW-WOW! Far from it, so please don't worry about that. As those of you who have followed us since the beginning you'll know that we're one of the most regularly updated Japanese film blogs. Still, we're human, so please be patient while we tie up our extra-curricular duties and recharge our batteries. During this break we will be doing occasional news drops, so please check back!

One huge, and very good thing, that has been taking up time here at the J-Film Pow-Wow is Toronto's Shinsedai Cinema Festival. Chris has been very hard at work on the 4th edition of the festival, coming to The Revue Cinema between July 12th and 15th, and he will be continually tweeting and updating the festival's Facebook page, so please check him out there!

So, again, our apologies... but this isn't goodbye, it's just a see you in exactly one month!

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