Selling Hey! Say! JUMP ASIA FIRST TOUR 2012 in Hong Kong tickets

Selling my Hey! Say! JUMP ASIA FIRST TOUR 2012 in Hong Kong tickets.

Respond before 20 March 2012.

Tickets are not available now.
But you can always buy the tickets when it's out on sale on April 11.
Someone is selling her tickets! Please refer to the comments below this post!

Can't afford to fly to Hong Kong again in May.

Want to sell it to some overseas fans who lost their chances of seeing them and want to buy the tickets!

Cost will be higher cause I have to include the handling fees they charged me when I bought the tickets.

If you're living in Thailand, I have a friend who is travelling to Thailand on the 21st March and if you confirm everything by then, I can get him to pass you the tickets (at his convenience because he's there for holidays). Thus, save on shipping fees. :)

And 薮宏太, 八乙女光, 中島裕翔, I've waited for you guys for 6 years. No harm waiting another few more years for you guys. Just hoping that you guys will be safe!

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