Book review- 1 Piece of Advice by Patricia J. Moser and Barbara Kathleen Moser

1 piece of advice is a book about exceptional women The authors interview these women and find out the most important '1 piece of advice' they would like to give other women.

The authors began writing to exceptional women throughout the world. They didn't know any of these women personally - just by reputation. In their correspondence the authors asked them for the 1 Piece of Advice™ which these stellar role-models felt would inspire women to turn their dreams into realities. The response was amazing.
1 Piece of Advice
And there are so many outstanding women! The authors considered themselves to be relatively knowledgeable about women leaders and were astounded by the roles women are playing across the globe today. So the question is "what attitude has gotten them to achieve this level of success?"

The women whose 1 Piece of Advice™ the authors sought, come from different countries, diverse backgrounds and each has achieved atypical success in their chosen career path. The 1 Piece of Advice™ is placed in context by the contributors' profiles.

The simplicity and truth that speaks from the pages of experience of these women is profound. By understanding the challenges they faced and overcame, we too will learn. After reading this book, you will never be the same. You will consider the possibilities from a different vantage point and transform your dreams into reality. (From website)

This book is actually more of an autobiographical book than self-help. The book follows a set pattern. First an official biography of each woman is given followed by the 'one piece of advice' they would like to give the readers. Though some of these accounts were interesting, others looked like they had been copied and pasted from that person's website- it was formal and non-engaging, like reading ten pages of wikipedia at a stretch.

I feel that there should have been more detailed information on the struggles and challenges faced by these women rather than their accomplishments. The book is not motivational in nature, but rather intended as a way to get to know about many high-achieving women in various fields.

This is a good book if you want to know about successful women in various fields and are looking for a little information on them. Otherwise, the amount of information about each woman in very sparse. The books includes women from all fields and of all nationalities.

Layout of the book is good
Women in diverse occupations and from different countries are included

Lacks a 'personal' touch, sounds like an encyclopedia

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