Heartstrings (Korean Drama)

(At first this was an all films blog. But due to some popular demand (of my friends :-) ) I am including some of the Korean Dramas I have watched from now on.Because they are simply worth it. )

Seriously speaking, if you haven't seen 'Heartstrings', and you still call yourself a romantic movie fan, then you should go and die. Coz this drama is simply the best and will make yourself melt and dissolve in it while you are watching it. Awesome story line, young love and even a bit funny at times. Plus, the music of the show is unbeatablely good.

Technical details : The drama is of 15 episodes and each episode is about 1 hr 20 min long, and is available on net for free downloads.

Characters :

Lee Kyu Won:  Lee Kyu-won is a smart, cheerful, bubbly,cute, fun loving and outgoing girl, who studies the traditional Korean instrument 'ghayagum' in a prestigious and popular Art and Cultural University.Being the grad daughter of the most famous 'pansori' (a traditional Korean instrument) master - Lee Dong-jin, she is forced to like traditional music only by her grand father.

Lee Shin : Lee Shin is the most popular boy in the Art and Cultural University campus, and he is the lead singer of a band named 'Stupid'. Lee Shin seems a bit arrogant, and he has no eye for a girl, and rejects them bluntly when they propose to him, and being popular getting proposed to is something that happens to him a lot. But in real, Lee Shin do like some one... The dance teacher at the Art and cultural University, the beautiful and graceful - Youn-soo.

Jung Youn-soo : The dance teacher at University, and she had been a famous ballet dancer once. But she got in to an had to put a rode in her leg, hence she can't ballet dance any more. But persitant and passionate towards, dance, Youn-soo practises on her own, every night to ballet dance, but just falls down in the end. Shin who watches her secretly comes to help her, as usual, and as usual she tells him to forget her and move on with a girl of his own age, and as usual Shin doesn't agree.
Kim Sook-hyon : The Broadway Director Kim Sook-hyon is called to the Art and cultural University for directing a musical play to be performed on the 100th year Anniversary function. Kim Sook-hyon and Youn-soo used to be a couple back when they used to be students of the Art and Cultural University. Apparently, when Youn-soo got an oppertunity to go to Paris for Ballet dance, she dumped Kim Sook-Hyun and went there. For this reason Kim Sook-hyun, on comming back behaves harshly with Youn-soo.

Yoo Jun-Hee : Jun-hee is the drummer of the Stupid band, and a very big food lover. Despite all the eating, he never get fat. (He is the cutest character that I have ever seen). He is very shabby looking, except for when he is on stage, hence no one believes him when he says he is the drummer of stupid band, when he is off stage, because of the drastic difference, nor does anyone recognize him as the drummer. He has got a habit of calling all girls 'onni' and all boys 'hyong' even if they are of his age or younger. And he falls in love with Han He-joo on his first glance at her, and follows her around calling 'He-joo onni'.
Han He-joo : Han He-joo is the chairman's daughter and a really arrogant, selfish and pompous, but hard working girl. She wants to be the lead actress of the 100th year anniversary performance, and can do anything to archive that post, and can even hurt others on her path. She thinks Jun-hee as a fool, and allow him to worship her, and never take him seriously.


Story Synopsis :
Kyu-won and Shin meets and that doesn't go so well. Later Kyu-won wants Stupid band to perform at a fund raiser she is holding for her favorite teacher who is in hospital. But Shin's sister gets sick, and he doesn't show up for the performance coz he has to rush to her sister and take her to hospital. Kyu-won has to perform instead of him, which gets heard by Kim Sook-hyun, who has just come back from US. Kim Sook-hyun talks to Kyu-won a bit. The teacher who was in hospital dies that night, which gets Kyu-won too sad. Next day Kyu-won and Shin fights and they end up challenging each other for a music competition. Modern music vs Traditional music. And the one who loose will be the slave of other for a month.
Now, Sook-hyun who is back, treats Youn-soo too harshly, but in real he loves her still deep inside. But Shin, who has no idea of Youn-soo's past loves her a lot. But Youn-soo think Shin's love is just sympathy, and that he is a kid who deosn't know about love.
Out of Sheer bad luck Kyu-won looses the competition (her ghayagam string breaks), an she is forced to be Shin's slave for a month, and she has to do what Shin ask for and buy him coffee every day. 
Kim Sook-hyun, to show anger towards Youn-soo sets the story of the Musical based on their life, but later apologizes to Youn-soo, but she says she has got over all that way back, and she doesn't care. 
The 100th year anniversary musical's audition starts. And Kim Sook-Hyun, fetches out Hyun Ki-young, a brilliant actor who has a stage fright problem, who had fled from the performance last year, and ask him to be the lead of the performance.Sook-Hyun, even puts Kyu-won in the acting team even though she had not given audition for acting.
Now, Jun-Hee has totally fallen for He-joo and even help her do the audition.
Stupid band is asked to be the band for the 100th year anniversary performance, and just because Joun-soo is the choreographer for the show, Shin agrees to do it. 

Kyu-won who is still working as Shin's slave slowly starts to fall for him. But she notices that Shin likes Youn-soo. Even Sook-hyun notices that and gets jealous of Shin. At last he goes to Youn-soo and tells her that he still love her and that they should get back together. And they does. Shin see them hugging and he gets sad and walked off. Kyu-won see the whole situation and runs behind Shin and tries to talk with him. He then turs to her and asks her, "you like me, don't you?" Kyu-won doesn't have an answer for that. Then Shin continues. "I don't care whom you likes. You can like me if you want to. I don't care whom you like. But the same goes for you. You shouldn't care whom I like."
But Kyu-won still tries to be with Shin, when he is sad and tries to get him out of his heart break. Shin throws away a necklace he had gifted to Youn-soo whoich she had returned to him. But then when he later thinks of it,. he regrets, and ask Kyu-won if she can help him find a necklace that he had lost because she is till his slave. Then he says, 'never mind' and walks off.
But Kyu-won goes and searches and finds the necklace.
About this time Shin's dad dies. And Shin cries hugging Youn-soo which Kyu-won sees and gets sad. She determines to forget Shin. Even Shin determines to forget all the past and move on.
Next day is the end of a month, and end of Kyu-won's slave contract. She goes to Shin and returns the necklace, and tells him that she is over him and won't think about him from now on. 
Now, Shin is assigned to compose a modern plus traditional music fusion for the 100th year anniversary performance's ending song, and the professor in charge assigned Kyu-woin to help him with the traditional music.He tells her if it is uncomfortable to help him for her, he will ask the professor to change her. But Kyu-won tells him it is okay, and pretends to be okay yet doing silly mistakes, which makes shin smile at her cuteness...

Now Shin starts to care about Kyu-won and takes care of her and helps her in every situation because he feel responsible of her sadness, and then he slowly feel himself liking her more than as a friend.

Later Shin, and Kyu-won becomes a couple. But then starts problems on the 100th year anniversary performance, because Kyu-won is made understudy of the lead, Han He-ju, and Han He-joo's mother is scared that her daughter's fame will be tampered because Kyu-won performs better than He-joo. But yet Shin and Kyu-won stick together, and Shin becomes the best boy friend in world and takes care of Kyu-won in every situation, until there comes a moment for him to chose between their togetherness, and Kyu-won's successful career. He has to harden his hart and hurt Kyu-won for her own good. But at last later, after a year, Kyu-won learns the truth and they get back together.

Heartstrings prove that no one can do romance better than Koreans does and each second your heart gets stolen again and again by the characters of this drama. Trust me, you would love this... And seriously if you are a romance lover, and you haven't seen this one yet, you should really go and die...or watch this as soon as possible. 

My ratings of this Drama : 10000000000000000000000000000000000000/10
 (Sorry, I like this one that much. I can't even rate this and insult it. It
is that much good).

My Top 10 Korean Dramas

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