The Recipe (Korean)

The lovely story of a reporter's journey to find the recipe of a particular 'Dhonjang' stew that lured a dangerous killer to submit himself over to the police just for drinking that stew. A perfect detective story, but the quest here is not to find any killer or the culprit, but the thing to find out is the recipe of a tasty food item. A mouthwatering tale of cookery, love, separation and tears...

Apparently, the particular 'Dhonjang' stew the killer drank a night at a restaurant while he was running from Police, was so tasty that he didn't even get up when Police came to arrest him. A reporter gets to know this and he tries to find more about this. He comes to know that a girl named Hye-jin made that stew while she was staying with the restaurant owner. But she no longer stays there. The reporter goes in search of the girl and finds that the girl and the man she left with from the restaurant has already died in an accident. But what he knows after that makes him wonder coz, the girl's 'Dhongjang' contained salt that is 100% pure which the scientists thought didn't exist in world... Going to her home town he also knows what kind of water she used and other details. He also stumbles up on the girl's love story.

My Ratings of this Movie : 9.5/10

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