The Memories of a Teenage Amnesiac (Japanese)

The film is adapted from an English book 'The memories of a Teenage Amnesiac'  written by Gabrialle Zelvin. Actually I read the book first. And then saw in internet that there is a Japanese film of the same name. There is a few differences made in the film, but more or less the story is kept same.
In the book, everyone except Naomi are Americans. But in the film all the main characters are Japanese.
(In the book Mirai is Will, and Yuji is James)

Book cover 

The story is really an emotional yet different one. It takes us through times when you have felt confused about yourself. It also tells us the comfort that two broken people can find in each other. Also tells about a very good friendship.
In real, I loved the book and the film.  And it is definitely a worth read and watch.

Story Synopsis : The story begins with Naomi's accident. She falls down the school front steps, and hit her head while she dives to save a camera. Naomi finds her self in an ambulance  A boy is with her. He tells the people in the ambulance that he is her boyfriend. At the hospital Naomi discovers that she has lot the memory of the past 4 years of life.
The boy with her tells her that he is actually not her boyfriend. His name is Miva Yuji, and he is not even her friend, he just didn't want her to go to hospital alone, so he lied to the people. Yugi says Naomi already have a boyfriend - a boy named Ace. Then Yuji leaves her with her dad who comes to hospital panicked.
After a day another boy comes to visit Naomi. She as him if he is 'Ace'. The boy says 'as if!' offended and says 'Ace is not the type that would come to visit you in hospital.' He introduces himself as Hasegava Mirai - Naomi's best friend. He tells her that she can ask him any doubt she has of her forgotten past because he knows everything about her. Mirai also tells her that she and he together are the chief co-editors of their Year book comitee. And to symbolize that Mirai always calls her 'Cheif' instead of Naomi. And Mirai also brings her a set of songs burned in to a CD saying 'memories of a teenage amnesiac', he says to her that these songs may help her regain her memory.
After Naomi gets out of the hospital she gets to meat Ace, who is a bit impatient and confused about the situation, and all he can ask her is if she would be ready to have sex with him again ever. Naomi is still not ready...
And at school Naomi meets Yuji again. And from Mirai she knows that Yuji is kind of a mystery, and that he was expelled from last school because he has became a stalker of a girl, and that he is kind of depressed and mental all the time. Naomi also notices a cut on Yuji's wrist indicating that he had attempted to suicide one. But despite all this Naomi is attracted to Yuji and ice versa.
One day in class Naomi remembers something that happened in the past, but not clearly. She rememberer holding hand of some boy at a planetarium...
Soon Ace and Naomi breaks up, and Mirai hesitates a lot and never gets an opportunity to tell her 'some truth'. Then Yuji and Naomi becomes a couple, and Naomi have a fight with Mirai over year book stuff and stop talking to him. But Mirai never stops to care for her...

And one day, while she is still in very much love with Yuji, Naomi regains her memory. She remember that that day at planetarium she had held hands with Mirai and impulsively they both had kissed.
But Naomi pretends that her memory is not back...
And story goes on with a bit of ups and downs...and Yuji getting completely depressed and mentally disturbed and somehow in the end things getting settled. Even being with Yuji becomes a pressure, and even Yuji insists for Naomi leaving him. And even when Mirai is not happy with her over many things the friendship never dies out.

A really really touching story of love friendship and many more.

My Ratings of this Movie : 9.5/10

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