Beta's Top Ten Favorite Movies of 2012

We’ve wrapped up another year which means it’s time to list off my favorite films of 2012. This was a great year for movies as Hollywood churned out more well written and directed films than I remember them doing in recent history. Sadly I ended up missing a lot of key films that had a lot of buzz, as I often do, but more so than that because I crashed my car like a jerk I haven’t been able to get to the movies the last few days like I wanted to nor will I be able to go for some time (hence why this list is up a bit earlier this year). This is especially tragic because it means I won’t have a chance to see Django Unchained for a while, which really sucks because it’s already caused a lot of controversy while still being critically acclaimed.

Still, even though I missed out on Argo, Flight and Lincoln this year I still saw more than a few great flicks over the past twelve months. Also keep in mind that this IS NOT a list where me saying what the best movies of 2012 were (since I didn’t see every film and I’m probably not qualified to make that call even if I had) but rather MY PERSONAL favorite films that I saw. If you agree with these choices that’s cool but if you think I’m talking out of my ass that’s cool too. It’s all opinion. Feel free to post your list in the comment section.

Beta’s Top Ten Movies after the jump.
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