Finally Naruto is in War !!

There was so many episodes in ''Naruto Shippuuden" of things that happened in the past. It's sometimes annoying when there is something excited happening >:(. I was waiting so long for Naruto to participate in War. Now he is so well trained and now he has new techniques!! :o Next week (on Thursday for me) there will be an episode when he will fight with Itachi and Pain. This fight will be awesome ^_^ 
I was scared that when the war will end Naruto Shippuden will be finished :( But the maker of Naruto said that he wants still to do the episodes and manga for about 1 and a half years. I think this is good. I love this anime from when I was a Kid.
Yamato is scary ;_:
                                               >>Click to watch Yamato's scary Video :o <<

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