Kickstarter Weekends: Emily and the Strangers, Code Monkey Save World, The Return

Well I think enough time has passed to justify another Kickstarter Weekend. Again, just like last time, the term “Kickstarter” is out of place because there’s another Indiegogo project on the agenda (for close almost identical reasons as last time). Maybe I really should change the name, especially since Indiegogo actually sent me a shout a while back thanking me for sharing This is Normal. Which means that Indiegogo (or at least whoever runs their twitter account) is nicer than Kickstarter. But I’m too lazy to make a new graphic this month so for now the name will remain.

Before we look at the new projects let’s look back at what happened with the projects from last time.

Sweethearts of the Galaxy: Funding Successful!

Final Earnings: $36,071 ($35,000 Goal)

I have to admit: I was thinking this one wouldn’t make it. Happily it turns out I was wrong and Sweethearts of the Galaxy will be made! It was close but a win is a win. Series co-creator Michael Premsrirat thanked me for spreading the word and mentioned that the tone would be “Whedonesque”. And you likely know how much I dig Joss Whedon. Seriously.

Jason Coffee’s Warhawks: Funding Successful! 

Final Earnings: $21,838 ($21,000 Goal) 

The real life story behind this project, of the later writer Jason Coffee, was what really moved me last time. I’m very happy to report that the man’s unpublished works will indeed live on through the hard work of his friends. I hope things work out well for them as they continue going forward.

This is Normal: Funding Successful!

Final Earnings: $31,185 ($30,000 Goal)

It felt like it happened down to the wire but This is Normal successfully made its goal. This should be a very unique movie experience and I’m glad to have helped it, even if it was ever so slightly. I’m happy for Ryan Welsh who, like I said last time, I used to know. But I will admit there’s a certain amount of jealousy on my part in regard to the somewhat stalled status of my own projects and goals (and this feeling will only increase when we talk about today’s third project).

Three new crowd funding projects after the jump.
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