Keith (English)

This is one of the best love story I have ever seen. It's got a different feel and approach to it. It is just simply different, yet kind of 'wow'.
The main thread of the story is it's suspense. If that is broken, then also, it is still kind of a worth watch, coz I enjoy this film every time I watch it.

It's not a happy happy film. It's touching. May even hurt you at the end. But you would still love the film. It's a simple story, I guess... But the way the relationship develops between the hero and heroine is kind of rocking.
And the best part of the film is the characterisation of the main lead 'Keith'. He is such a mystery box and spontaneous mad guy that we will be enchanted by that character. That character is what makes this film kind of out of the world.

Story Synopsis : Natalie Anderson is a popular girl in high school. She is got popular friends, good looks and parents who always want everything best for her. Form outside her life is perfect. Except for that she has to work a lot to keep it perfect. But she doesn't realize that fact until Keith enters her life.
Keith Zutterstorm is a not so popular guy in class. He becomes Natalie's science lab partner. His way of talks and manners irritates Natalie at first, then she is slowly in to everything Keith says. She tries to shake him off as much as possible.
Natalie and a new transfer student Raph begins to date, and still Natalie end up hanging out with Keith at times, coz he is just impossible to ignore. Not just that, Natalie and Keith always have fun times and have real good chemistry and do all sort of crazy stuff in the world. So crazy stuff that Natalie would not have dreamed of ever doing...
But one night Keith and Natalie end up kissing. They are awkward about that and decides to forget it and stay as friends.
But another night something happen that Natalie gets too pissed off - The already wired Keith refuse to get out from his truck which is going to fall off from a cliff. This gets Natalie too angry.
Keith leaves Natalie home, but Natalie finds anti-depressants in Keith's jacket. She gets suspicious...
Then from the next day onwards Keith is absent from school. Natalie begins to search for him, but even the details he told about himself to her turns out to be lies.
Natalie gets so immersed in to Keith's life that she even end up breaking up her relationship with Raph, breaking in to Keith's locker and getting suspended from school, and even ditching an important tennis match of her.

I won't go in to much details of the story coz the whole point is the suspense and the personality of Keith.

But one thing about the film is that you have to be a bit quick thinker to enjoy the film coz most of Keith and Natalie's madnesses involve talking random stuff at hearing range of other people, and to catch what they mean is a bit difficult if you are not paying attention, But that part is the best part of the film, when they say things that make others to think of entirely different things... It's sort of too funny.

Anyway, on the whole it is really a good love story. And a good movie. It may have a one or two things missing in it, so...
My Ratings of this Movie : 9/10

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