Caring For Clothes

Pretty soon, you'll be living on your own, and that means laundry, ironing, sewing, and stain removal - if yo don't do it already.

Washing Clothes

You need to separate your clothes into piles, based on colour and material. Different colours wash at different temperatures.

-Whites, such as cotton socks, underwear, and undershirts should use hot water and bleach.

-Light colours should use warm water, and a color protecting detergent.

- Darks and red clothing should use cold water and a color protecting detergent. I separate my darks and reds.

Never put a red in with light or white colours!!!

Also, always wash wool materials in cold water, and never put them in a dryer, or they will shrink (get smaller)!

Some clothes should only be dry cleaned. You have to take them to a dry cleaning service that uses a chemical process to clean them.


Here, comedian Conan O'Brien shows the fun way to iron shirts, with help from America's most die-hard mother, Martha Stewart:

Here's a less fun video that's more informative:

Stain Removal

Shoe Polishing
For the basics of polishing shoes, start with how the army does it. This video explains all the different kinds of polish, and uses lots of spit.