I Miss You / Missing You (Korean Drama)

Awesome. Thrilling. Captivating.

But prepared to be hurt and cry when you start to watch. Though the start is sad, it captures you in it and we cant stop watching it.

This is the Drama Named 'I Miss You', or 'Missing You', that aired in 2012. The Literal Korean Name of the drama is 'Phugishiptha'. It tells the story of missing someone, and longing to see someone or be with someone...

Characterisation is too good. Each character has his or her distinct detailed character. And they feel like taken out from the real world. We can find a loving honest dad who goes in search for his step daughter as if she is his own blood, a step sister who tell her dad to go crazy in searching for her step sister n bring her back, a boy who feel helpless and run off but living in the guilt of it for years and loving one single girl with whole heart for years, another boy who turns to a criminal at a small age due to all the cruelties he had to go through, the most loving and friendly mother-son relationship between a woman and a boy not related by blood...

 People who feel like its someone we know in our daily lives, characters who we don't find usually in other dramas and movies. Here relationships get a new angle. Here no one is entirely good or entirely bad. A page that taken out of life...

The most prominent factor, the strongest point in this drama is the Character of Joon (Kang Hyun Joon / Harry Borison).
In my opinion he is one of the most well composed character n the most terrifying villain,.in his own way. We meet Kang Hyun Joon as a kid who had to undergo a lot of tortures. So our first feelings towards him are sympathy, concern, love n care. Next the intelligence and maturity of the 12 year old boy strike us. (Normally a 12 year old will b made weak and having only little intelligence.)
 Joon is sharp and can take care of stuff... When that 12 year old causes the death of a character we love a lot, still we cant exactly hate Joon. That Joon grow up in to 26 year old Harry Borrison who has a deathly obsession of revenge and Zoey (Lee Soo Yeon). The past has made him what he is now... And having a bipolar disorder Kang Hyun Joon is the most diverse character I have ever seen. In one end he is clinging to Zoey and crying like a child saying he is scared, and on the other end he is killing people. But along everything Joon does, we still cant completely hate him. For me, i felt like someone like my younger brother is doing something wrong. We feel like stopping him, scolding him, we are worried for him, concerned about him...
That is our villain here. Our own younger brother - lovable evil - Joon.

Human relationships are dealt like never before seen in 'I miss you'. Especially the relationship between Han Jung Woo and Soo Yeon's mother. The way Jang Woo address her 'girl friend', and the too friendly relationship of two persons joined by some ill fate. They are not mother and son by blood. But no real mother and son could be this loving and friendly towards each other.
Not just this relationship, each and every relationship in here is dealt with a unique angle and detail. Well, I cant explain it with words and you have to see that for yourself.

The way each character has an individuality of his or her own is commendable. Also the way all 4 of the younger kids in 1998 year, doesn't behave too childish. In their age they are quiet wise and have their own mature ways. That is something we can't see in any other drama.

But one thing, people who like only happy things shouldn't watch 'I Miss You'. You should be prepared to break your heart. In episode 3 to 5 this drama will make u cry and horrified. But the rest of episodes are happy enough. And its a happy ending.
But not for one minute will you get bored or distracted. It will keep you on the edge of your seats n you nails in your teeth.Too much excitement and events going around.


In 1998

Lee Soo Yeon : Murderer's daughter Lee Soo Yeon - that's what she is called outside. Inside her school she is 'Number 27'. Ever since a kid she had to go through brutal beating by her father who is a drunkard and thief. And when her father is accused of murder and arrested, problems doesn't decrease at all. No one speak to her. She is banned as the murderer's daughter Lee Soo Yeon. She doesn't complain, but that doesn't mean she is not longing for a friend.
And then out of the blue, there is this boy Han Jung Woo, who calls her by her name - 'Lee Soo Yeon'. Not 'Murderer's Daughter', not 'Number 27', but by her name 'Lee Soo Yeon'.

Han Jung Woo : The Son of a big private bank owner. He studies in a school in America, and longs to be near his dad and family. Though he never gets to see his father often, he loves his dad a lot and respects him. And believes his father is a good man and won't tolerate hearing bad things about his father. Even when his Step-mom tells him that his father loves money the most, Jung Woo never believes her and always believes in his dad. But he doesn't know the true nature of his father yet.
When he comes to Korea once, he gets permission from his dad to stay in Korea if he doesn't want to go back to US. Jung Woo is really happy about this. Soon he gets to know Lee Soo Yeon, and their friendship starts off....

Kang Hyun Joon : Han Jung Woo's younger step-uncle by relation. He is the son of Han Jung Woo's grandfather had with his second wife. But Jung woo has never met this kid nor his grandfather. Kang Hyun Joon is his mom's pet and his mother calls him 'Joon' with love. Despite being a 12 year old Joon is quiet intelligent for his age.
And in this 12 year old boy is put to many terrors and difficulties as Han Tae Jun (Han Jung Woo's Father), try to torture him and his mother for money. The kid's leg suffers a severe injury because of Han Tae Jun, and Kang Hyun Joon is forced to go to hiding with that injured leg unable to seek medical help....

Han Tae Jun : Han Jung Woo's dad. He is the owner of a big private bank. Despite being a rich man, his greed never ends. As every one says he loves money the most. He loves money more than his own happiness or his dear and near people.
His ill father leaves his whole money to his second wife and Son Kang Hyun Joon, and this makes Han Tae Jun hunt Kang Hyun Joon and his mother cruelly and brutally...

Kim Seung Ho (Detective Kim) : The police man who had caught Lee Soo Yeon's father. After that he finds out that he had caught the wrong person. Being such a good man, he is too much guilty for this. Soo Yeon's mother take advantage of this guilt and move in with Detective Kim and ask him to take care of her and Soo Yeon. He does...
He is the kind of person who is honest and loving. His life's ambition is to be a honourable Adult. He is the kind of person who goes to search for his step daughter sincerely like he is searching for his won daughter....

Kim Eun-Joo : Detective Kim's daughter. A bright spunky young girl, who loves manga and dectective works. She initially has a crush on Han Jung Woo, but since Soo Yeon likes him, she doesn't even start liking him, then all sort of chaos strikes that makes things like crush not really important. When Seo Yeon goes missing, Eun Joo is the one actively working to find her back. She barges in to Jung Woo's house asking about Soo Yeon, and help her dad the most in trying to find Soo Yeon.
She is the type of person who tells her father 'Of course you should go mad searching for her, you are a father, you should'.

Nurse Jung : Nurce Jung was Han Tae Jun's employee and was put in charge to look after his sick father. But then, she got really close to Kang Hyun Joo(Joon's mom), and hence when Han Tae Jun attacks the family, she is the one Kang Hyun Joo can relay on to, and she is like Kang Hyun Joo's pawn. Nurce Jung takes care of injured Joon and hides him well, and then does thing she is ordered by Kang Hyun Joo.

Kang Hyun Joo : Joon's mother. She loves her kid a lot. And try her best to survive when Han Tae Jun tear her family apart. She is tortured and held captive by Han Tae Jun. Even when Han Tae Jun tortures her and has seperated her from her son she doesn't give up the money her husband gave her. Insted she try to plot against Han Tae Sun.
She has a habit of making flowers and other objects using hospital's IV pipes.

In 2012

Han Jung Woo / Detective Han / Crazy Rabbit : Jung Woo had left home after Soo Yeon's disappearance and is now a Police Officer, flowing the footsteps of the person he respects the most - Detective Kim. Being a bit crazy by nature and being really fast on things his nick name ins the department is 'Crazy Rabbit' ('Pichun Thokki' in Korean)
He is haunted by the memories of what happened 14 years back and never is able to forgive himself. The love for Soo Yeon is deep rooted in him and he is still searching for her like a mad person. He doesn't date any other girl or even think about any other possibility of love. For him Soo Yeon is still his reality and he hopes to find her some day.
He lives with Soo Yeon's mom and loves her like his own mother

Zoey Lue / Lee Soo Yeon : Lee Soo Yoen, has now become a big fashion designer in Paris. But she has changed her name to Zoey Lue, and has a different personality. She tells she have forgotten everything about Lee Soo Yeon, and what had happened 14 years back. She appears to be a cool and composed stylish person. She loves Joon, in a family sense very much, and try her best to love him as a man, but Joon remains to be family for her, when Han Jung Woo is still stuck in her heart like a pain.

Harry Borrison / Kang Hyun Joon / Joon : Joon grew up to be a wealthy lawyer, and has the new name of Harry Borrison. Since his leg was injured when he was a kid and was unable to seek medical help for a lot of time, Joon now have a crippled foot and use a stick for help in walking. But Joon is still is razor sharp brained as ever. Hatred for Han Tae Jun, and an obsessive love for Lee Soo Yeon is deep inside his heart, and that intelligence just makes things worse by making Joon the most dangerous person. He likes to get what he wants. But the one thing he never gets is Lee Soo Yoen's romantic love. Though she loves him as a family, he wants more... He can sense Soo Yeon's love for Han Jung Woo, and he just chuckles at the pathetic situation he is in, in a dangerous way...
He is the the kid, we feel attached to, we want to stop him, protect him, at the same time we are scared of him... Knowing that what he is doing will only hurt him in the end, we wait for him to stop.

Soo Yeon's Mom : She seem a bit cold and cruel towards little Soo Yeon, because she has always been the victim of torture from her husband and has seen only cruel life. But internally she really loves Soo Yeon, and that love comes out once her husband is dead, and she sees a much more happy life with a new family.
And when Han Jung Woo leaves his home and is home less, eventually she takes him in and raise him well as her own son.
Jung Woo call her 'girl friend', and their relationship is quiet close and friendly.
She also says "I like money the best", but means that only as a joke, and is really a warm hearted person.

Hwang Mi Ran : Jung Woo's step mother. She is neither a good nor a bad person. She is just normal. Han Tae Jun keeps repeating to her that "I married you for you to take care of Jung Woo. So don't act like my wife and just raise Jung Woo well". For this dialogue she doesn't really love Jung Woo a lot, nor does she hate him. She Just act all motherly in front of her husband, and when Han Tae Jun is not there, Jun Woo clearly says to her, "Can you stop the mom act when dad since dad is not here", and she drops the act and tells him to go back to US.
After Jung Woo is grown up and have moves out of the house, she doesn't care about that much and now is trying to escape from the clutches of her husband by starting a business on her own and doing small tricks to make it click.

Kim Eun Joo : Eun Joo has now become a manhwa drawer, and lives with Soo Yeon's mother. They both are like real mother and daughter. Eun Joo is Juang Woo's friend and family now. She is still sad about her father's death, but have the personality to never show it. She is waiting for the murderers of her father to be caught. And she says that the thought that that girl Soo Yeon is living somewhere happily, when my dad died searching for her, makes her angry. But even when she say this, when Soo Yeon, finally comes home she just say 'my dad will be happy today'.

Han Ah Reum : Han Jung Woo's little sister. She is actually his step sister, Mi Ran's daughter.  Jung Woo lives her a lot and Ah Reum loved and admires her brother a lot.

Joo Jung Myung (Detective Joo ) : Han Jung Woo's partner and senior. He is quiet close with Jung Woo. Jung woo calls him 'hyung', but his pet name for Joo Jung Myung is 'wifey'.

Kang Seung Deuk : The criminal who has supposedly raped and killed Soo Yeon. He gives a fake statement that he has killed Soo Yeon, and hence is in Jail for the past 14 years. Jung woo believes that this guy knows what has actually happened to Soo Yeon and thinks he can find her through this man. So no matter how much Jung Woo want to kill this guy off, he suppress that urge and keep him alive, and usually visit him in Jail and beats him up at times.
But After 14 years Han Seung Deuk gets released from jail.

Kang Seung Chul : Kang Seung Deuk's older brother and accomplice in the events that happened 14 years back. But he was not arrested and hence is now living coolly buy running a karaoke bar. Han Jung Woo visits this karaoke often and threaten Kang Seung Chul.

Story line :

Lee Soo Yeon had always been tortured by her dad, and beaten up by him. And when he gets caught caught for a murder and killed for that, things doesn't get batter. Now no one wants to talks to her and she is banned as 'Murderer's daughter'. In school everyone calls her 'Number 27', and not by her name. There is no one to call her by her name.
Han Jung Woo, returned to Korea from USA, when he doesn't get contacted by his father for a long time. On the day he returns he see Lee Soo Yeon standing in the garden of the hospital with her head down. As her hear falls covering her face, he doesn't see her face.

Han Jung Woo belives that his father Han Tae Jun is a good man, but he doesn't know his father's real face.
As soon as Han Tae Jun is released from hospital, he goes to torture his own father and step mother. He takes his ill father out of the life support and takes him off with him and demad that he gets the moeny that his father gave his step mother, Kang Hyun Joo. Kang Hyun Joo is quiet young, and her son is 12 year old Kang Hyun Joon. Han Tae Jun, tortures them both, and Kang Hyun Joon(Joon) injures his leg. And he has to escape from Han Tae Jun with that leg. Kang Hyun Joo is captured and held captive by Han Tae Jun.

That night, Jung Woo can't fall asleep because of jet-lag, and he takes a walk at night. He see a girl sitting in the swing of a play ground and remembers seeing the girl in front of the hospital that morning. He goes and sits on the swing next to her and starts talking to her. Soo Yeon is not used to people talking to her and wonders why this boy is talking to her when all the others avoids her because she is a murderer's daughter. Jung Woo ask her name, even after seeing her name tag on her uniform. She doesn't reply and try to avoid him and run away, then Jung woo call her by her name "Lee Soo Yeon". This catches Soo Yeon's attention. Then a rain starts and Jung Woo takes shelter under the slides. Soo Yeon runs home and gets an umbrella and comes and give to Jung Woo. Jung Woo promises to return the umbrella the next day.
The next day Soo Yeon waits for Jung woo, but he can't come because he is told his grandfather passed away, and he has to attend the funeral.
Injured Joon is in care of Nurse Jung who used to take care of the grandfather. Kang Hyun Joo ask Nurce Jung to kidnap Han Tae Jun's Sun Han Jung Woo, and that will be their only way to survive.

Jung Woo gets permission to stay in Korea by his dad, and then he joins in Soo Yeon's school. When Jung Woo finds out that Soo Yeon is Murderer's daughter, he is first scared and try to avoid Soo Yeon. But later he feels bad and ask Soo Yeon, "Murderer's Daughter Lee Soo Yeon - Let's be friends...". Since that day Han Jung Woo and Lee Soo Yoen becomes best friends. Jung Woo doesn't get any other friends at school because he is friends with the 'casted out girl'.But Han Jung Woo tell Lee Soo Yeon that he just need one friend and he is enough happy by having Soo Yeon.

Joon was being kept in a house near to Soo Yeon's house, and Soo Yeon befriends the kid slightly. For Joon she is the only person who show him kindness in the time of distress. When a fire starts in that house where Joon is kept Han Jung Woo and Lee Soo Yeon rescue Joon and take him to a hospital. But Joon gets carried off by Nurse Jung.

Taking advantage of Ditective Kim's guilt, Soo Yeon's mother starts to live with Detective Kim. Detective Kim being a nice man welcomes them in to family. His daughter Eun Joo also accepts them in with a small resentment. They all starts off a happy life....

Soo Yeon starts having a crush on Jung Woo, Jung Woo also might like Soo Yeon... If a few more days would have passed, their relationship would have gone to a dating stage.. But before anything could happen, a big trouble strikes...

Han Jung Woo is Kidnapped by Nurse Jung's thugs, trying to save him Soo Yeon also gets kidnapped.... And after seeing all terrorizing things happen in front of him, a scared and injured and helpless 15 year old Han Jung woo, run out on Soo Yeon, and escape alone from there....
He hope his father will save Soo yeon. He begs with every one to save Soo Yeon... But after he wakes up after fainting, he ask for Soo Yeon like a mad person, and finds that she was not saved...
Everyone is trying too hard to find Soo Yeon. Especially Detective Kim and Eun Joo. Eun Joo breakes in to Jung Woo's carrying Soo Yeon's diary and see him all injured and sense things are wrong. She ask him about Soo Yeon, and show him Soo Yeon's diary and say "Look how much that idiot girl loved you", And she leaves the diary with Jung Woo as she gets dragged away. Jung Woo reads the diary and feels terrible.

Kang Seung Deuk, the kidnapper gives a statement that he killed Soo Yeon and gets arrested for that. But Jung Woo and Detective Kim believes that Soo Yeon is alive. Jung Woo leaves his home when he finds out that his father is not helping him finding Soo Yeon and instead is trying to hide things more. He gets a call from Soo Yeon, but is not able to talk much. and he runs to Detective Kim, saying that Soo Yeon is alive. And all Detective Kim says is that "I know that".  Jung Woo starts to be with Detective Kim.
But Despite their long efforts Soo Yeon is not found and Detective Kim is killed while searching for her....

14 years later...

Han Jung Woo is now a is now a Police Officer, flowing the footsteps of the person he respects the most - Detective Kim. Being a bit crazy by nature and being really fast on things his nick name ins the department is 'Crazy Rabbit' ('Pichun Thokki' in Korean)
He is haunted by the memories of what happened 14
years back and never is able to forgive himself for escaping alone that time. The love for Soo Yeon is deep rooted in him and he is still searching for her like a mad person. He doesn't date any other girl or even think about any other possibility of love. For him Soo Yeon is still his reality and he hopes to find her some day.
He lives with Soo Yeon's mom and loves her like his own mother...

Lee Soo Yeon who had escaped with Kang Hyun Joon, 14 years back is now in Paris. Lee Soo Yoen, has now become a big fashion designer in Paris. But she has changed her name to Zoey Lue, and has a different personality. She tells she have forgotten everything about Lee Soo Yeon, and what had happened 14 years back. She appears to be a cool and composed stylish person.
Joon grew up to be a wealthy lawyer. And has the new name Harry Borrison. Since his leg was injured when he was a kid and was unable to seek medical help for a lot of time, Joon now have a crippled foot and use a stick for help in walking . But Joon is still is razor sharp brained as ever. Hatred for Han Tae Jun, and an obsessive love for Lee Soo Yeon is deep inside his heart.
Harry and Zoey are now in a romantic relationship and plan to marry eventually. But Though Harry(Jooon), loves Zoey a lot in a romantic sense, for Zoey Harry is like a family, and can't make herself still ready for a kiss or anything further. But Harry is ready to wait for her.

As a lady Michael Kim dies in Korea, and Han Jung Woo is in charge of the case, he calls up Michael Kim's relatives... But Michael Kim is in fact Nurse Jung, with a new name and personality. And Harry is summoned to Korea and he meets Han Jung Woo. Soon Zoey also comes back to Korea following Harry...and is met with Han Jung Woo...
Through she recognize Jung Woo, she hides the fact that she is Lee Soo Yeon from Jung Woo, and meets him as Zoey. Jung Woo is still trying his best to resist her resemblance to his Soo Yoen, but is unable to... And Zoey is playing Han Jung Woo, trying to pester him as much as she can in the name if revenge of running away leaving her 14 years back...
But the old love is deep berried her heart, and that is the reason she can't make herself stay away from Jung Woo, or make herself love Joon more than as a family.

The drams is actually too much captive. Once we start watching this, we can't seem to be able to stop. A lot of things happen and the story is quiet dynamic, at least for the first 10 or 11 episodes... (I felt towards the end it is slightly a bit dragging. But till then it was not even 1% dragging and too much exciting).

Another notable thing in the drama is the lovely poetic dialogues. There are a lot of poetic dialogues that will always remain in our heart will be remembered by us always... Like,

  •  "I am not crying because I am sad, it's because the wind is blowing. It makes my eyes water" ( In Korean  it is -"Sulphosso unnungo aaniya...bharami burungoso kure...nuni show sso...")
  • "He is coming. He is not coming..." ("Unnda...Anunnda....")
  • "Jung Wooyaa, Han Jung Woo. What are you going to do on the day of first snow fall?" ("Jung Wooya, Han Jung Woo, Chon nun unun naal, dow mo hailkkoya?")
  • "The Wing is Blowing, and I think of you" ("Bharami phunnda, deega senganna...")
  • "Jung Woo is Waiting for rain, I am waiting for first snow fall", ("Jung Woo nun bhi ga khidarinda, chega chon nununil khidarinda...")
  • "Red Uniform... Famous Girl...Lee So Yeon" ("Palgan Kyobo, Umyongan aye, Lee Soo Yeon")
  • "Murderer's Daugher Lee Soo Yeon, Let's be friends" ("Sarinja thaal Lee Soo Yeon, naarang chingu aaja")
 (I gave the original Korean sentences also because they sound a lot more poetic in Korean than in English, and it's the Korean sentences that are printed in my mind....)

Besides these a lot more things makes 'I miss you' different and special. Like little details like...
  • Jung Woo puts a clothes pin as a hair pin for Lee Soo Yeon. That clothes pin is in itself a new trend I think... :-) 
  • And a lot of other props, like the yellow umbrella with the green tag 'This belongs to the most famous girl in the neighbour hood - Lee Soo Yeon's'.
  • The little facts like 'from the burned out street light till Soo Yeon's home is 280 steps'. And that burned out street light in itself seems another character in the story. 
  • The way Jung Woo calls Soo Yoen's mother 'aayin' (girlfriend/lover). If he had called her 'ajjummaa' (missus/aunt), or 'ommonni' (mother), their relationship would never have been this lovely. But the way he just call her 'aayin', makes them more close than any real mother and son could be and their relationship stays in our main forever...
  • Lee Soo Yeon's diary in itself is such a poetic thing that it makes the whole experience of this drama to a different level. 
  • The 'Painful memories erasing technique' - The 'swhah', gesture. That gives a nice detailing.
  • There is a moment when the younger Lee Soo Yeon is craving the words 'Miss you' (phugushiptha) on the wall and then the older Jung Woo, sits on the steps with her and ask her if she is smiling, when he is about to go crazy from anger... This moment though is an illusion effectively communicates the situation and makes us too impatient to know what is happening later to tear then apart and make Jung woo go crazy from anger. 
  • The characterisation of Dectective Kim and Eun Joo is quiet capturing. The moment when Detective Kim ask Eun Joo "Is it OK if I go crazy searching for Soo Yeon?" and Eun Joo reply, "Of course you should go crazy searching for her, you are a father, you should." That moment stay with us forever... 
  • The younger versions and older versions of the characters are made sure to have similar habits or characteristics. Like Han Jung woo's habit of biting on to a pen while thinking is same when he is young and he is old. And Soo Yeon's habit of checking the possibility of something on water rings, while waiting is same when young and old. 
  • And as I have mentioned before... The character of Kang Hyun Joon... he is terrific. There are a few characters that when I see them I really feel amazed that the writer could make such a detailed and different character. And Kang Hyun Joon is one of them. I am still amazed at that a character....And he is still the delinquent kid I worry for and want to stop him from doing bad things coz I know it will hurt him in the end... According to me Kang Hyun Joon is the best villain ever in the world. 

Though I really love both Park Yu Chun and Yoon Eun Hae who play older versions of the leads, honestly speaking I loved the drama more when it was still in the younger time. I think it was more well directed till the younger 1998 version, or may be it's the charm of the younger version actors, Kim So Hyun and Yo Jin Goo, who both has done so well. I wish if there comes a drama in future with these two as leads in full length. I hope it does. 
In the drama 'The Moon that Embraces the Sun', they were together, but they hardly had any scenes together and Kim So Hyun was a negative character in it, so... That doesn't count much. Plus 'The Moon That Embraces the Sun' was before 'I Miss You'. So I really really hope that we can see Kim So Hyun and Yo Jin Goo together as a pair in full length in some High School Drama or something...

But besides them the whole cast of 'I Miss You' have done a terrific job. Especially, Yoo Seung Ho playing Joon. And of course, I am die hard fan of Park Yu Chun. so that doesn't really need to be mentioned that it's just worth to watch 'I miss you' if you are a fan of Park Yu Chun. And Yoon Eun Hae too... Though I felt she has way too much make up in 'I Miss You', she looks best without make up, and in cute version, like in Goong, or Coffee Prince. (Love her the most as the tomboy of Coffee Prince.)

But instead of actors, I really want to respect the director and writer of this drama. Coz they are what made this drama like what we saw. So a big salute to Lee Jae Dong - Park Jae Beom, the Directors, and Moon Hee Jung, the writer... 

Whole in whole, 'I Miss You' is something that a drama lover should never miss...

My Ratings of this Drama : 10/10

My Top 10 Korean Dramas

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