Shiwasu: Moving Forward In Our Multi-Culti World
Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Japanese custom, Shiwasu is when we finish out the old year to begin a new one. In other words; we clear our bodies, minds, homes, school lives and/or work environment of negative energies in order to start positively in the new year. It can mean getting rid of an old job that’s gone stale, or even a person who has drained us emotionally.
Here’s more about Shiwasu:
For this Watermelon Sushi World blog, Shiwasu means we’re changing our old format of monthly interviews. Instead of profiling someone new every first Wednesday, we’re changing to a bimonthly--or every other month--production. Sometimes, we’ll feature an interviewee, and sometimes not.
Our focus will still be on multiethnic folks, interracial relationships, transracial adoptions and those who cross cultures, such as expats. If you fit one of those categories, please drop us an email and tell us your story.
The idea is to change what we’ve been doing for so long to something fresh, although we’ll continue to be active at the following links:
Watermelon Sushi on Facebook
Hapa*Teez on YouTube
Hapa*Teez on Facebook
Hapa*Teez on Café Press
War Brides of Japan v.2 on YouTube
War Brides of Japan on YouTube
War Brides of Japan on Facebook
Yayoi Lena Winfrey fan page on Facebook (sorry, but Your Hip Hapa can’t add any more friends to her regular profile page)
Sexy Voices of Hollywood
Remember, Hapa*Teez t-shirts are available at Café Press and make great holiday gifts. If you’ve ever made a purchase, please send us your photo to incorporate in our next video, like this one:
And, don’t forget to join our Hip Hapa Homeez group on Facebook where we discuss being multiethnic, interracially involved, transracially adopted and/or crossing cultures.
Finally, mahalo nui loa to all you loyal fans and followers. Banzai!
Until February 2014 , when we’ll meet again, omedetto gozaimasu from...
Your Hip Hapa,