Kickstarter Weekends: Water War, Robot Heart

It’s been about a month since the last Kickstarter Weekend which by my calculation is the proper amount of time to do another one. Today we’ll only be looking at two new projects, both being particularly quirky ones. But before we get into them let’s look back at our three previous projects and check on their status. 

Michigan City Vandals Album Project: Funding Pending

Final Earnings: TBA 

Unfortunately my friends in MCV have not been doing as well as I’d hoped with their new project. They’ve only accumulated just over one grand of their $5,000 goal. This sucks because they are a really awesome band and in the time since the last KSW a ton of shitty bands with much larger goals have gotten their shitty albums funded. The Michigan City Vandals deserve to have their album funded too and that they haven’t really makes me a bit disgruntled.

But there is still time because the funding period is still in progress! If you have not yet done so you should pre-order their album on their Indiegogo page and help make this thing happen. I have heard that they will settle for $2,000 and , if true, they’re just a few pledges away from that (remember that Indiegogo will let them keep what they've raised). Tell your friends, tweet the link, share it on Facebook. Too often good bands get ignored so let’s all work together to make sure this isn’t one of those times! [Link]

One Nation - Out of the Darkness: Funding Pending

Final Earnings: TBA

Like the previously mentioned entry One Nation’s funding period is still in progress. They’re doing pretty good though they have yet to reach their goal. I feel pretty strongly that they’ll be able to do so as they have over two weeks left on the clock. [Link]

Low Budget Ethnic Movie: Funding Successful!

Final Earnings: $20,561 ($20,000 Goal) 

Of all the projects I talked about last time this was the one I was most worried about. However it would seem that it just barely made it to the finish. Which means this intriguing and potentially important film will see the light of day. I’ll be keeping my eye on this as I’m pretty goddamn gung-ho about watching it. Maybe a review down the line…?

Two new projects after the jump.
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