The amazing articles over the "statute of comfort women to be build in Sydney?" were posted on the Sydney's Japanese free newspaper Cheers

By July,there were total of 5 articles posted on the cheers which provide the detailed information on the comfort women issues.

It provides the detailed summaries over the behavior and mindset of Austral China Korea Alliance against Japanese war crime group and report over the open session and hearing held on the 1st of April at the Strathfield town hall.

It is highly recommended to have a read on those articles, especially on the report over the interview session held with a high ranked official from the Austral China Korea Alliance against Japanese war crime group that provide the reason behind their action.

This article has the value as evidence for clarifying the aim of erecting the comfort women statues by the official's confirmation since the interview's contents are what the official talked truely to Cheer's interviewer,which have been rightly documented. This article of Cheers has been used as an factual evidence by a Japanes speaker at the open session held on 1st of April at the Strathfield town hall.

The titles of articles are as follows (unfortunately there were no English versions of the articles as yet):

Article 1:"Interview session with high ranked official of anti- Japanese group and test over the historical facts from Japanese side and korean side "

Article 2: "Report on open session held at the Strathfield town hall at 1st of April"

Article 3:"The effect of statute of comfort women with child and test of historical facts by professional historian"

Article 4: "The problems which have been created by the existence of comfort women statute in the world part 1"
*Report on the JCN's petition activities, the ceremony held on the completion of comfort women statute at Fairfax Council in commonwealth of Virginia USA and the recent parliament discussion held by Kishida ,Japanese Foreign Minister.

Article 5: "The problems which have been created by the existence of comfort women statute in the world part 2"
*Report over the test on Kono statement which has been released by chief cabinet secretary of Japan ,Yohei Kono back in 1993.

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