Whisper of the Heart (1995)


Whisper of the Heart (1995) Poster

Japanese title: 耳をすませば 
(Mimi o Sumaseba)

Comments on Movie: Whisper of the Heart (1995)
"This urban film cuts deep into an aspiring artist's innermost doubts. It's also about what Kondō knew well: apprenticeship, patient dedication to craft and nurturing friendship with other artists." - Brian Gibson, Vue Weekly.

"Sweet and well-observed, Whisper of the Heart is about self-discovery and little else." - Marty Mapes, Movie Habit.

"Like its characters, the film's horizons expand further as it progresses, creating an all-encompassing portrait of childhood dreams & the sacrifices we make to commit to them." - Christopher Runyon, Movie Mezzanine.

"The film's such a perfectly delightful little rom-com that it pretty much ruins all other romantic comedies for me." - Noel Vera, Critics After Dark.

"It doesn't at all feel dated, though how well it will age remains to be seen." - Aaron Wallace, DVDDizzy.com.

"Beautiful nostalgic and realistic depictions of Japanese lives and dreams. If you watch this, you may be able learn something invaluable from all of the characters." Rosalyn Lim.

Anime Drama Family Romance 2D Animation Animated Feature Rosalyn's Favorite

Whisper of the Heart (1995) Trailer