FWS News Feed: What the Frak is Up with FWS?!

 Before things get too crazy or out-of-hand, I wanted to inform the loyal readers and commenters of FWS about the future of the blog. Rest easy, FWS is not going anywhere...the work of exploring and explaining the world of Military Science Fiction will continue. However, I was just hired as an High School Social Studies teacher, and the leaving teacher is leaving with no lesson plans. I quite my hospital job of 12 years, and used my "week off" for designing lesson plans and games for three subject areas: World History, World Geography, and American History II. At the moment, I am building and designing an custom RISK game board about the Crusades. With some much of time devoted to getting my classroom up-to-speed and learning the ropes on a brand new jobs is leaving little time for FWS at the moment. My hope is to get a rhythm going, and work on FWS in the evenings and late weekend nights. We could see FWS move to monthly "big" blogposts and smaller ones throughout the month, I am hoping not. FWS is one of my great joys and I love to work on the blog...and if I ever win the lottery, FWS will become central to my life and work...however until then, I gotta pay the bills and eat. Two blogposts are in the pipe: the book review of the Chimera Vector and Orbital Artillery and Bombardment. Now, back to my RISK board.

Stay Frosty!

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