Universal Design Conference 2014 in Koto City
Friday, December 5, 2014
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Fukushima prefecture’s exhibition booth |

The conference theme was “Glocalized Development for Universal Design—Towards Tokyo 2020. Universal Design in Fukushima & Tokyo 2014 was held on 11-13 November hosted by international Association for Universal Design (IAUD) and co-hosted by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Fukushima Prefecture and Koto City.
The conference theme was “Glocalized Development for Universal Design—Towards Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games—“
Along with the symposium including keynote lectures, UD-related activities were introduced at exhibition booths by government agencies, municipal governments, companies such as Toyota Motor Corporation and Fujitsu etc. at Tokyo International Exchange Center, Koto city.
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Staffs from Fukushima prefectural government and KEV at Fukushima prefecture’s booth |
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Kibitan, Yuru-chara (an anime-style cartoon mascot) for Fukushima prefecture |
KEV helped Fukushima prefecture’s booth as an interpreter. By working together with staffs from Fukushima, KEV members could learn a lot about the disasters and present situations in Fukushima prefecture caused by the big earthquake on March 11th, 2011. It is expected that the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games will create a lot of great things. Throughout this process we would be happy to do anything we can especially in Koto City and increase KEV’s activities in the future.
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Kibo-no-Kakehashi |
「第5回国際ユニヴァーサルデザイン会議2014 in 福島&東京」が、2014年11月11日から13日まで、江東区の東京国際交流館で開催されました(東京会場)。主催は(財)国際ユニヴァーサルデザイン協議会(IAUD)、共催は東京都、福島県、江東区。会議テーマは、「ユニヴァーサルデザインのグローカル展開 〜東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピックへ向けて〜」。
東京会場では、シンポジウムや基調講演と共に、官公庁、自治体、企業が展示ブースを設け、ユニヴェーサルデザイン関連の活動を紹介しました。江東区英語ボランティアガイド協会(KEV)も通訳として、福島県の展示ブースのお手伝いをしました。お手伝いを通して、東日本大震災の時の様子や福島の現状について、福島県庁の職員の方たちから直接お話を聞けたのは大きな収穫でした。東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピックには大きな期待が寄せられています。私たちも特に江東区内でのオリンピック関連でのお手伝いはもちろん、今後もKEVの活動の場を広げていきたいと思っています。 These chopsticks called Kibo-no-Kakehashi, “ a bridge to the future” ( “hashi” in Japanese is a homophone for “chopsticks” and “bridge”)
“These are chopsticks made from timbers produced from thinning cedars in Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture, which were extensively affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Part of sales will be donated to disaster-affected areas.”
by N.T and Y.N