Worldwide Giveaway #3 - Pokémon Postcards

I love Pokémon, what about you? ♥

UPDATE 2: The Worldwide Giveaway (Pokémon postcards) has ended. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks for participating! <3 Winners should get a fb notification from me, kindly pm me your details within 48 hours or I'll select another winner!

IMPORTANT: There are some changes and this Worldwide Giveaway has been enhanced and modified. Read HERE.!

Hello everyone, this is my third worldwide giveaway on my blog for fellow Pokéfans and film lovers! Anyone can join, no matter where you are originated from!

To participate
1. Like Rosalyn's Facebook page /or/ follow Rosalyn on Moviepilot.

2. Leave a comment here, which postcard you want and why you love Pokémon.

3. Share the giveaway photo on your profile and include these tags:
                      #Pokemon #Giveaways #RosalynBlog

4. Eight winner(s) will be selected on 21st  December 2014. 

That's all!! If you are one of the lucky winners, you'll receive a clean postcard by default but you can choose a written postcard too, if you prefer it that way. ;)

Good luck and be expressive!! 

Important Note
  • The only rule of the giveaway is be nice to everyone. 
  • 1 share + 1 comment = 1 entry. 
  • Make sure the sharing is public so I can view it. I will check them.
  • You can submit as many entries as you want.
  • If you shared the photo else where, kindly let me know where and your username.
  • Notification is via Facebook Comments.
  • You can read about the giveaway FAQ here.

Kindly use the page's messaging function to send me the following details if you are one of the lucky winners so I can send you the postcard. If you do not respond within a week, I'll select another eligible winner. 

1. Your name
2. Your address
3. Tell me a little about yourself so I can write something.
4. If you choose a clean postcard instead, can ignore no.3.

PS. I plan to send them out the week after this giveaway ends but I am not sure when these postcards would reach you as it varies on countries. My guess is it is within a month!

The Prize
Eight beautiful Pokémon fan art postcards!

All these super kawaii Eeveelution and Pokémon starters fan art from ALL generations are drawn by and made into postcards by Circus Usagi-san!! These special merchandises are only available at Anime Festivals in Asia and I bought these just for you all!!

Long story made short, I believe all of us share similar love for Pokémon so the Pokémon Movie Marathon, artwork and giveaway are a small tribute to all other Pokémon fans!! ♥

Stay tune for more!!
Stay tune for more interesting animated features, quizzes and giveaways alright? ♥

More photo(s)
Eeveelution, Eevee Family Postcards x2

From top, left to right: Sylveon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, 
Vaporeon, Flareon, Eevee, Jolteon and Leafeon.

Fire Pokémon Starters Postcards x2

From top, left to right: Torchic, Tepig, Fennekin, Chimchar,
Charmander and Cyndaquil.

Grass/Leaf Pokémon Starters Postcards x2

From top, left to right: Snivy, Chespin, Turtwig, Treecko, 
Bulbasaur and Chikorita.

Water Pokémon Starters Postcards x2

From top, left to right: Piplup, Totodile, Oshawott, Mudkip, 
Squirtle and Froakie.

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