Strathfield City Councillors to vote on “ Comfort Women Statue” atextraordinary council meeting to be held on 11th August !

WHERE :  Strathfield City Town Hall, 65 Homebush Bay Rd, Strathfield 
WHEN : From 6.30pm Tuesday 11th Aug

We kindly request and encourage all good people of Strathfield and beyond to attend this extraordinary council meeting, where the elected council members will be making a historic landmark decision on the future of harmony in multi cultural Australia. The council will be deciding whether this is the beginning of many more statues of hate, division and vilification to be erected in Strathfield. If you strongly believe in Australian values and a fair go for one and all ,then please come along and participate in the defence of these values.

This statue application should have been rejected on day one as it went against the memorials policy of Strathfield Council, but instead became a long drawn out political hot potato for all levels of Government in Australia. This affair has been most unsavory to say the least for all involved and has wasted valuable council time and resources, not to mention local rate payers taxes.

This statue application proposed by “KACA”( Korean Committee of United Austral Korean and Chinese Alliance Against Japanese War Crimes in WW2 ) with the support of Councillor Ok has divided the local community and has highlighted the complex international political nature of this subject which we feel is totally irrelevant in local Australian government affairs.  

The sooner this affair is brought to a harmonious conclusion the better, so the residents of Strathfield can once again return to their peaceful lives.

For any enquiries, please send an email to Egawa, Secretary-Genral of AJCN                                                               

Kind Regards,

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