Rivers Are Calling You to Come Down

Have you ever seen a people paddling canoe in canals in Tokyo? 
For example, there are so many canals and rivers in Koto city to paddle, 
if we want to. If you do want to paddle canoe in the city and still you 
View from Onagigawa Canal
haven't tried it yet, then I'd say it's a shame to miss out the opportunity. 

Let's paddle in the canal. The weather tends to be extreme due mainly 
to a possible global warming, while the wind blowing across the canals 
is calling you to come down to the place that the water cools you gently.
You may feel so free when you saw birds floating on the water that you 
may forget about the troubles you've left behind in your daily life.

Tatekawa Canoe and Kayak Park
 If you don't know how to paddle canoe, don't worry. Koto city has provided you a place where you can learn how to do it. 
This is the place. Tatekawa Canoe and Kayak Park is only 10 minute walk from the JR Kinshicyo station.
Just visit there and you will find they've got everything you need; 
]such as instructors, canoes and paddles, life jackets and helmets. 
All you need is a pair of sandal and knee-length pants. They stay 
open until the end of October. Please note that they close on 
mondays. You can get more detailed infos about the place 
on their website.  (http://www.city.koto.lg.jp/seikatsu/douro/7476/62316.html)
All Canoeists Were Beginners when They Started

You will be full-fledged canoeist after practicing there couple of times. Then what's next? You may want to paddle in the nature. 
It's not difficult to find plaes where you can enjoy paddling under the blue sky in the Kanto area. For example, Chiba prefecture has a facility named Omigawa Nature House for Youths where you can experience 10km canoe tour on the river flowing into the Tonegawa river. You can refer to the website below; (http://omigawa.shopro.co.jp/

Those Who Young at Heart Gathered on River Port for Paddling
Full-Fledged Canoeist Enjoys Paddling in the Kurobe river in Omigawa town that flows into the Tonegawa river.

You are not alone!
The Omigawa Nature House has been carrying out an event that offers 
an opportunity for beginners and experienced to challenge 10km canoe tour.

Almost half of 32 participants said they have never touched canoe before.

What would be your goal for paddling canoe? In my case, I'd like to watch the Ryogoku fire works over the Sumida river from canoe floating on the water.

Many Rivers to Cposs
Tokyo is the city sitting on the delta of rivers and canals. 
Why not come out of sardine commuter train and expose yourself to the river wind. Being paddling down the stream, you will really understand why noble Edo people loved boating so much.   by H.K

Autumn is the best season to visit Japan.
Would you like to stroll along the rivers in Koto city ? 
If so, please join our free walking tours!

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