The Pilgrim's Progress

Destruction Daily News Assignment -
This past week I gave the 11th and 12th grade English class an assignment regarding "The Pilgrim's Progress". I told my students they were newspaper reporters assigned to follow Christian's pilgrimage from the City of Destruction and report back to the citizens of his community.

I provided eight elements for them to include on the front page of the "Daily Destruction News":

  • Interesting article(s) a minimum of 200 words
  • Headlines for their articles
  • Maps of Christian's journey
  • Pictures of characters he met
  • Captions for all pictures and/or maps
  • Interview with Christian's wife, children and/or friends
  • Advertisements
  • Opinion article from current Destruction resident
What I received from the students for this assignment not only impressed me but was way beyond what I envisioned. I thought it would be a fun change from our weekly literary circles, vocabulary and grammar studies but they really go into this assignment. Each pair of students also had to present the front page "proof'" to their editor as part of their assignment.

The bottom right photo slides to display a before and after photo of Christian's family when he left Destruction

This newspaper is discolored by coffee to make it look weathered and aged
Some students pretended they were newscasters and radio hosts with reporters on location in the city of Destruction and acted out interviews with citizens of Destruction. They did an amazing job and I am so proud of them. I plan to hang their front page news in our classroom since they are works art. This turned out to be a really fun assignment and I wanted you to see their projects as well.

Visit with Marina -
We met with a former MFWI student this past weekend in Takatsuki. Marina was one of the very first students we hosted in the states and it has been almost exactly two years since we last saw her. We got to hangout with her for a while on Saturday, go to dinner and then attended the Clark's International night. It was great to see her and we made plans to have her and Kazuyo stay the with us in the near future.

She is studying to be an elementary school teacher and was amazed at how much the kids have grown since she last saw them. Alex is now taller than she is and was much shorter than her when she returned to Japan.
Dinner with Marina in Hirakata, Osaka Prefecture Japan
Picture at the Clark's International Night November 2015
Hope Chapel Group Picture -
A couple in our church got engaged on Sunday and we all celebrated with a group photo and watched them exchange their engagement rings. The picture is of our congregation and represents a large church by Japanese standards. Presently Christians represent only about 1% of the population, so congregations of around forty are considered a large church.

We are glad to be a part of this group of believers and are blessed to have been welcomed into the group with open arms and kindness. Praise be to God for the "Church" wherever in the world she may be.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. Please continue to pray God will open the hearts of those He brings across our paths so we may share His good news. In Christ.

The Chadducks

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