Tour Diary - Day 9: Training Day at Kwansei Gakuin High School
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Day 9 - 8th December
On day 9 of the tour we all knew we had a big day of training and some hard work ahead of us all. It began with a nice breakfast at 7:30 on level 3 of Takezone hotel. We got on a bus with all our gear in our bags and headed off to Kwansei Gakuin High School for a big training session. We arrived and walked to our field that we were going to be training on and playing on. Once training had finished we caught a public bus and train back to the hotel. We had a meeting about going out to do our washing and to get something to eat with the 1000 yen we had received. We had to check back in at 3:30 so the staff knew that we were all safe. We all went back out and got back at 5:30. We went up to our rooms and then made our way down to level 3 for dinner where we had a tasty Japanese hot pot full of meat and plenty of fresh vegetables. We then had a tour squad meeting before heading back to our rooms for a good nights rest before another fixture against Kobe Science Technology High School tomorrow.
Cooper Chambers

Kwansei Gakuin University Museum
Ashiya Town Centre

Kwansei Gakuin High School
synthetic Rugby Field
Tour Squad Shot in Warm-up Strip
Video of training