2016 films to look out for...
Friday, January 22, 2016
Here we are again...
Hey everyone!! and once again, happy belated New Year! haha. Sorry if this Post hasn't is a bit late or what not, I did have to focus on the University assignments that I had to do and I can't really juggle essays and Blog Posts at the same time. Believe me guys, if I was Superman and I had to the power of a million suns, then yeah... you would have seen something only people witness in their lifetime haha. So since this is the first proper Blog Post that I am doing of 2016, what better way to start the year off, then to talk about the films that are coming up throughout this year. What I found interesting doing this list, is how many ambitious and risky films that are coming up. In general, I thought 2015 was a good year for film, with a mixture of good genre films on display. With this year, I'm getting this feeling that there will be films that will do better than expected, and some films that have this hype, yet in the end, will be a massive disappointment. An improvement on last years Post similar to this one, I will be talking about more films this year so do expect this list to be relatively long. Without further boredom and babbling on from myself, let us go through the films!!! (Just a quick note, there are some films in here that are enlisted for awards and prizes and there are films that you will like and dislike. I wanted to create a wide-range list so that everyone can have an attachment to. Just thought I let you all know that).
1. The Revenant - Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
So starting of the list we have one of the big accolade hitters of this year award season in The Revenant Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy which is directed by Alejandro Inarritu. By the time I have written and posted this, I have indeed seen the film in it's fruition and I will be reviewing the film. All I will say, for now, is that it's a film that you definitely need to watch at the cinemas. The film overall has that effect of placing you in a tense and gritty place that you can't take your eyes away from. Visually, it's a stunning piece of cinematography done by Emmanuel Lubezki who is notorious for the continuous long takes with films such as Children of Men and Gravity. What surprised me about this film, was the inclusion of actors Will Poulter and Domhnall Gleeson who respectively, hold their own against Hardy and DiCaprio who both act well independently and have a nice contrast with each other on screen. If there's one film to watch right about now, it's this one...
2. Hail, Caesar! - Joel & Ethan Coen
One film trailer that caught my eye from last year, was indeed the Coen brothers upcoming release of Hail Caesar! which I think will embrace old film quirks of Classic Hollywood, along with the Coen Brothers trait of adding this surreal and slightly dark comedy aspect. What it definitely has, is a strong cast with Josh Brolin, Scarlett Johansson, George Clooney and Ralph Fiennes who was a stand-out in The Grand Budapest Hotel. From what I've seen from the trailer and a teaser, it looks as though the Coen brothers are going back to their quirky comedic routes which is noticeable in Fargo, let's hope that's the case...
3. Dad's Army - Oliver Parker
I'm not going to lie, the prospect of this new comedic film reboot of Dad's Army, does scarily sound too ambitious for my taste. It's a film that could go two ways, in that, it could be successful with the jokes that they deliver which much older audiences will get and relate with. On the other hand, it could easily be swept away as something of a howler. It kind of reminds me of when Alan Partridge got a film release which received mixed reviews. It'll be an achievement for Oliver Parker if this film comically delivers, it's just hard to see it contend with other British comedic films that were released in recent years
4. Deadpool - Tim Miller
Yet again, this year is a year that we are undoubtedly, going to have a bunch of 'Superhero' related films. One of the first and hopefully promising films that is set to be released fairly soon on Valentines Day, is Tim Miller's Deadpool lead by actor Ryan Reynolds. One of the things that I like when I've watched the Deadpool trailers and T.V. Spots and what not, is how drastically different it is compared to the typical hero film and narrative. Knowing my fair share of heroes and such, Deadpool is a character that typically breaks the fourth-wall, in that he'll constantly talk to through the camera to us with a comical excerpt of some kind and randomly makes funny remarks. I'm pretty confident we'll get this in the film and, that's a good thing. There have been recent articles in the past few months how 'Superhero' films are becoming saturated and and I can where people are coming with that. But, with Deadpool, I feel like it'll be a breath of fresh-air due to the fact that it differs a lot, from your typical 'Superhero' story. Miller's films could very well be, one of the better 'Superhero' films to watch over the course of this year...
5. Zoolander 2 - Ben Stiller
No I'm not going to go into too much depth into the original Zoolander because I've only ever seen the film once and that was quite a long time ago now, but with Ben Stiller directing and staring the upcoming Zoolander 2, I think it will be a relative good success around the time it's released. Like with every sequel that's been done, this new film of Zoolander 2 really does have to add that old dimension which every who had the original film can familiarise themselves with, and a new dimension which offers something new to the casting or with the comedic material. In the past, I have personally been up and down with Stiller's film, particularly with Tropic Thunder as I still think, it's one of the worst films that I have witnessed. But, with this new film, whether if you like this film or not, I think it will be a relatively good success for Stiller in terms of the Box-Office...
6. The Witch - Robert Eggers
It might be a crime that I haven't really talked about Horror/Thriller films on this Blog, but one definitely caught my from last year which was the trailer of The Witch Directed by Robert Eggers which is to be released I believe in the U.K. around the 11th of March. When it comes to watching Horror films, I don't normally get that frightened of what I watch on screen. I would say the only times I get scared are when someone jumps up, which makes me jump up as well, or when something peculiar and abstract shows up on screen. With The Witch and the amount of plaudits it has received from numerous festivals from last year, it's a film that looks genuinely gritty and scary which makes me want to see it. It looks like a film that continuously, throughout, builds up it's suspense and story-telling in a slow but eerily fashion which, to be honest, you don't get that with most Horror films of today...
7. Knight of Cups - Terrance Malick
Moving swiftly on from The Witch, we have Terrance Malick's Knight of Cups which is a film that is filled with mystery, both in the actual contexts of the film and surrounding the production of the film. From what I can fathom, Knight of Cups is a film that has been in post-production for two years which is stupidly and ridiculously long for post-production. Supposedly as well, Malick's piece of work, notably with his other filmic-pieces, is an experimental film and for this film, it's experimental in the sense with the camera work and how the lens is situated in places that you wouldn't normally see the camera situated. Ever since I saw the trailer for this back in 2014, I have been intrigued in seeing this and it has already got mixed reviews from several viewing at other film festivals so it's a film if you like experimentation with the camera, is a must see really for this year...
8. Zootopia - Byron Howard & Rich Moore
Taking a leaf from Ghibli's tree, Walt Disney Animation Studios are one of three animations that are centralising there story on the simple concept of Anthropomorphism with their story of Zootopia. Taking words from what I've said in the past, ever since their animated short of Paperman, Walt Disney animation in recent years have really found a 'New Wave' in terms of the animations their producing and their films are a good example of just how good animations are in film of today. Having watched and adored the trailers for Zootopia, I have no doubt that this film will be another enjoyable and visually stunning piece of animation. What is interesting, is that they are, in a way, taking contextual motifs from past Ghibli films in how they are giving human characteristic to animals in this film. Not to say Disney haven't done this in the past, but you would normally see this trope in any Ghibli film...
9. The Brothers Grimsby - Louis Leterrier
Talking about another British comedy now, we have Louis Leterrier's The Brothers Grimsby staring the ever 'controversial' actor of Sacha Baron Cohen. Similar to what I was saying with Dad's Army a few films ago, The Brothers Grimsby for me, fits into this category of being a hit or a miss. As a matter of fact, if you look at the past comedies that Sacha Baron Coehn has done in the past, most of them, such as Bruno and The Dictator, never really had that comedic originality that Borat had and excelled at. With what I am seeing with this film, there's a possibility that this feature could be relatable to us Brits, being that the Cohen character is your typical football hooligan. But it also could be something that is completely boring, and being completely honest with you all, the comedies that Cohen as been in, has never really made me laugh out with enjoyability. It's certainly an enigma...
10. Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice - Zack Snyder
Up next we have, what is arguably one of the biggest and most intersting films to come this year, in Zack Snyder's new Superhero film of Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice. I think I'm right in saying that, Batman V. Superman is a Superhero film idea that people have been wishing for a long time. I mean, sure, we have had an animated version of Batman and Superman which involved Mark Hamill's Joker portrayal. But I don't think that counts, does it? I don't think so. One thing is for sure with this film, is the controversy that surrounds this grand-epic of a film in terms of whether or not it will succeed, or fail as a Superhero film that people have wanted to see. In my own opinion, I think with the trailers and T.V. spots that are already out there, I genuinely think that I've 'seen' the film already in terms of what's going to happen, which speicfically reminds me of the incident with Terminator: Genisys and how the trailers for that film, had way too many spoilers for it's own good. While you should never judge a not-yet-released film from it's trailers, Snyder's upcoming release still has me puzzled on whether or not I should be excited to see this film. Whether it may be bad or good, it's for certain that this will be a film that will go big in terms of the Box-Office...
11. Neon Demon - Nicholas Winding Refn
Another film that leaves me excited and held-back, is the new Refn film of Neon Demon. I'm not going to lie, Refn's film of Drive back in 2011, remains to be one of my favourite films to watch. It was a film for me that had every right in terms of what I liked; with how we have a main character is quietly strong and mysterious and has a romantic connection with another character, the soundtrack which had songs that were perfect for each scenario and the noted cinematography/lighting that makes the film visually beautiful and is later picked up in Refn's other film of Only God Forgives. With Neon Demon, I'm generally hoping for more of the same from Refn. What is interesting, is how this is a Horror film. So I'm really interested to see how Refn's formal filmic tactics will come into play when he's constructing a haunting sequence...
12. Jungle Book - Jon Favreau
It's not just animation that Walt Disney are in for this year, but yet again, Disney are venturing into the Live-Action adaptation of a rather popular and old Disney animation and book with The Jungle Book Directed by Jon Favreau. When looking back in recent years at similar films to this one, such as Alice In Wonderland and Maleficent, it does seem to be a new type of genre that is taking over the film industry in a quirky way. Although these soughts of films aren't high-raisers with the critics and theorists, they just don't seem to be ever going away and The Jungle Book, along with another film later on the list, is an example of this continuing trend. What will be interesting to see with this film, is whether they'll incorporate some features from the 60's animation, in terms of the songs etc. As most people will be, I'm curious to see how Favreau goes about making this. Will it be something of an original work, or will it fall back and go back to some of the features from the 60's animation?...
13. The Huntsman: Winter's War - Cedric Nicolas-Troyan
Similarly to what I was just talking about with Jungle Book, The Huntsman: Winters War is another example of this chain of films that are live-action adaptations of classic fairy-tales. In the case of this film however, it's a sequel/prequel? Even though I'm going to soon review Snow White and the Huntsman in a few weeks time, I did want to address how, in that film, the major problem that the original film had was it's identity; it didn't necessarily know what it wanted to be, whether it wanted to be a a fairy-tale retelling or a dark action epic. One thing that I did appreciate from the original and I hope they do the same in this film, is to continue and add onto the special effects as it was something that gave the original film an enjoyability to it...
14. Anomalisa - Charlie Kaufman
A few films ago, when I was talking about Zootopia, I briefly mentioned how, in general, there does seem to be this new light for western animation and how a few of them, can hold their own against the bigger live-action films that normally and rightly get all the attention. If there is one film that I had to pick as a film that I'm most excited for in seeing, it has to be Charlie Kaufman's stop-motion drama Anomalisa. While it already has this praise of being a staple of modern-day-western-animation and is an example of an animation style that proves to be pertinent despite the technology we have in this say and age, I'm really intrigued into seeing what the story is behind this film, which is why I am not really going near a page that has a brief synopsis of the story inside it. It will be intersting to see where Anomalisa stacks up in the end and whether it does compete with the much bigger films of this year...
15. Captain America: Civil War - Anthony & Joe Russo
Speaking of big films from this year, our next entry is Anthony & Joe Russo's Captain America: Civil War. There's no denying that this film, alongside Batman V. Superman, are going to be the two 'heavy-weights' to go head-to-head with one another in claiming the 'Superhero' film of the year mantle. While I said before about Batman V. Superman that I was unsure on whether the film will succeed or flop, I do have this excitement over Captain America: Civil War simply because the past 'Captain America' films did both impress me. Even though people are still topsy-turvy over the first Captain American film, I actually liked the film compared to over Marvel titles and the sequel in 'Winter Soldier' was a good example of a sequel being that it kept the same things from the same film and added this espionage trait that worked with the film. Obviously, with this film that's not going to be applicable since it will be a film which consists of heroes fighting against each other and I am intrigued to see how this film plays out and what it may mean for the future Avengers films and so on...
16. The Angry Birds Movie - Clay Kaytis & Fergal Reilly
When I look at the prospect of The Angry Birds Movie, whilst I do think that it's good see Film and Video Games being more transparent with one another, I can't help be feel this film will be similar to that of the Minions film from last year. Even though it will pretty much have a few laughs for the family-orientated demographic, the key to this films continual popularity, will be down to the actual plot of the film since this is an adaptation of a video game that doesn't really have a story and is basically a game where you fling a bird and pigs to achieve a high-score. For all we know, this could be a sweet-filler for the younger generation for this year...
17. Alice Through the Looking Glass - James Bobin
Similarly to what is happening with 'The Huntsman', Disney are yet again venturing into Live-adaptation of a 'fairy-tale' in the form of Alice Through the Looking Glass, a sequel to the 2010 film of Alice in Wonderland. In a weird way, I didn't think that Disney would go ahead and make a sequel to a film that had a lot of different opinions surrounding it. For my money, the 2010 live-action adaptation was something that I enjoyed watching in terms of visual and artistic direction which Tim Burton did very well. In general, I like Alice in Wonderland and what potential it can bring onto screen. But there's something about this upcmoing film that leaves me to question whether or not it was a film made for artistic merit, or so that Disney could try and squeeze in more money for themselves. I want this film to work in the end, but tweedledain, and tweedlebrain... if it's all the same, then I'll play your game... (yeah I don't know)....
18. X-Men: Apocalypse - Bryan Singer
While I don't think Bryan Singer's new X-Men outing in Apocalypse will rival the magnitude and hype of Batman V. Superman and Captain America: Civil War, I think I speak for some people when I say that, it will be intersting whether or not this film can better the previous films of First-Class and Day's of Future Past. Overall, I generally like most of the X-Men films that have come into fruition. I mean, don't get me wrong, a couple of them were atrociously bad like Last Stand and the 'Wolverine' films. But X-Men have always been something that I liked over some of the more popular hero stories just because it has more a human relevance to their stories and through their characters. It will be intersting to see how Apocalypse, both the film and the character, hold up considering that there has been already some criticism over the villains look being as cheesy as a villain from 'Power Rangers'. I think it'll be a good X-Men film, but not near the equivalent of some of the better ones...
19. Now You See Me 2 - Jon M. Chu
Another film that could certainly be a hit or miss is Jon M Chu's Now You See Me 2. The original film, which was made back in 2013, was again, a film that had very mixed opinions considering that it's a film that definitely hallmarks back to Christopher Nolan's The Prestige in terms of the contextual passages that we see in terms of the illusion of magic and so on. Funnily enough, I really liked the beginning on the first one where the film basically broke the 4th-wall and delivered a magic trick that 'worked' and I really want to see more of that in this sequel... but I don't think that's going to happen. As for the twist in the original film, I mean, it was so obvious as to what was going to happen, hopefully again, they don't do that in the sequel and leave us with a twist that was easy to predict. Indeed, Now You See Me 2 is a film that has to surprise us all!...
20. Warcraft - Duncan Jones
Stepping into the filming world, and not the gaming world, Warcraft, Directed by Duncan Jones, is a film based on the video-game of the same name, is a film that again, I'm at conflict with. When I was watching the relatively new Star Wars film around a month ago now, a trailer for this popped up and I have to say, it looks really bland and boring and you could see it as a response and inspiration from what Game of Thrones has achieved with their success and popularity. I know I shouldn't judge a film from it's trailer, but it is something that looks like a rip-off of other better filmic pieces. What do you think?
21. Finding Dory - Andrew Stanton
While artistically, Anomalisa will be the animation of the year (potentially), I don't think it will rival Finding Dory in terms of the popularity that it'll instantly gain being the Finding Nemo remains to be one of the better Pixar features to watch in this day and age. Finding Dory will mark the start of Pixar going to a lot of previous films and turning them into sequels such as this, The Incredibles 2 and another Toy Story film which I don't think they should have decided to do another one of, but hey, what can I do? Finding Dory will for sure take the spotlight for most children's eyes when they go to the cinemas this year which in turn, could see the other animations that I have talked about, is some serious trouble...
22. Independence Day: Resurgence - Roland Emmerich
There are 3 Sci-Fi epics that I have picked out for this year that are kind of going head-to-head with one another and the first of which that is coming out firstly is Roland Emmerich's Independence Day: Resurgence, the sequel to 'grand' 1996 film featuring Will Smith at the time. I know I may get brutally murdered by people when I say this, but I never really liked the original films staring Will Smith. It honestly didn't do anything for me as I thought it was too long and there are, simply, better Sci-Fi features to lay your eyes upon. What is troubling when I look at the details for this upcoming 'epic', is the fact that Will Smith isn't going to be in it, which I think is a huge mistake in terms of the profits they could and should make. I'm just wondering what is going to happen in the film, and how much exposition we'll see and how much fighting and dog-fights will take up the film time...
23. The BFG - Steven Spielberg
Out of some of the possibilities of film ideas in my head that I wanted to see come true, The BFG is one of those and is a film I am really interested to see how they construct. Being that I was born in a generation when animation was a big thing, certainly in the 90's, one film that always sticks into mind whenever I think about my childhood is 'The BFG' animation which in of itself, is something that is scary when you look back at it now due to it's very abstract and dark animation. Not to say that Spielberg will go ahead and do the same thing, but it would be nostalgic to say the least, if he did go ahead and create a dark film for younger audiences to witness...
24. The Legend of Tarzan - David Yates
"Again?", is the word that came into my head when the trailer for The Legend of Tarzan appeared and let's face it, we have had multiple versions of the story of Tarzan now and it brings up this question in film-making of how much originality can be produced in films these day's? I'm sure David Yates will do a good job of re-telling another Tarzan story, but how different will it be to other versions?...
25. The Secret Life of Pets - Chris Renaud & Yarrow Cheney
The last animation of this year that is adopting this motif of anthropomorphism, is Illumination Entertainment's The Secret Life of Pets. What pleases me about seeing the upcoming release of this animation in 2016, is the fact that Illumination Entertainment have actually done the correct thing of not doing another 'Despicable Me' film and have gone ahead and have done something a little bit different with the concept of home pets. I do expect the writing for this to be good considering the fact that they have this story which features house pets and could easily refer back to people who own pets and the stories they have of owning a dog/cat etc. I'm just glad it's not another 'Despicable Me' film as another one of those films, would have been a bit silly to make even though those films are fun to watch. It'll funny to see whether people favour this film over Zootopia... what do you think?
26. Star Trek Beyond - Justin Lin
The 2nd Sci-Fi 'epic' I'm picking out now with Star Trek: Beyond and is certainly an intersting film to talk about. While it's no doubt that this film, along with the other recent Star Trek entries, will be successful, considering that Simon Pegg, who is a notable Treky fan, is writing for this film, there are some things that leave me in question. The obvious thing to note is how drastically light the film looks compared to the last film with Benedict Cumberbatch which I guess is a good thing, considering that most sequels always get 'darker' whereas Beyond looks set to be a film that is much more lighter in tone and generally more fun to watch which is completely fine. One thing that could disappoint people, is the fact that J.J. Abrams this time around isn't directing the film. In fact, it's Justin Lin, who has directed the Fast & Furious films, who's taking up the mantle and intersting how he incorporates the action scenes from previous films that he's worked on, into Beyond...
27. Suicide Squad - David Ayer
Similar to what I was talking about with X-Men: Apocalypse, while I don't think Suicide Squad will reach the box-office heights that Batman V. Superman and Captain America: Civil War may achieve, it will be a film that could potentially be a cult favourite for people this year since it's a 'Superhero' film that is different like Deadpool in the fact that it necessarily doesn't focus on your typical heroes. What I have liked already from the two trailers that we've already have, each of the trailers have their own tone, the first being the much eerily creepier, and the other much lighter in tone showing much of the action from the film. What I think everyone will be looking forward to seeing, is the performance that Jared Leto will give for the Joker and I think he'll do a good job as it looks to resemble the Jokers from the animated series (for the look) and Heath Ledger (for the voice). I will tell you this, it looks like a film that is more promising than the Batman V. Superman film...
28. Inferno - Ron Howard
I never thought we would ever see a sequel to Angels & Demons, but indeed, Ron Howard is actually going ahead and making the sequel in Inferno staring Tom Hanks and Felicity Jones. One aspect that I've enjoyed watching in the past films that Tom Hanks has stared in with The DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons, the definitely the 'conspiracy' angle of which the narrative dictates with the Illuminati and The Holy Grail and so on. What I hope doesn't happen with this film, is that it plays out to be the same film as the previous entires; with Tom Hanks' character being the only one to solve the mystery of the story which is why I hope Felicity Jones does a good job in this film.
29. Doctor Strange - Scott Derrickson
The last 'Superhero' entry that we're going to talk about in this Post and it's certainly an intersting one with Benedict Cumberbatch making his presence known in Scott Derrickson's Marvel feature of Doctor Strange. I'm not going to lie, being that I do like heroes, I really don't have the faintest idea of what Doctor Strange is about. I mean, I know some of the characters and I know he used to appear in some of Spider-Man stories. But apart from that, I don't really know too much on the character and what revolves around him contextually which I think is a good thing going into this. I also like the fact that Benedict Cumberbatch is playing this role being that he is one of the better actors around today and he has this ability of really embracing a role, whether he does it with his body movements or with his voice alone. He's simply a very good actor and I think this film will excel with him in the star role...
30. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - David Yates
It's quite impressive really, that David Yates is not only directing The Legend of Tarzan film, but he is also going back to his routes with the Harry Potter spin-off of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Certainly, Fantastic Beasts will be a at least a satisfactory film in that they are at least expanding on the Harry Potter universe which I think is always good to do...
31. Room - Lenny Abrahamson
Talking about another film now that has been recently released into cinemas, is Lenny Abrahamson's Room, a book adaptation which follows a mother and a young boy who finally gain their freedom, giving the boy the experience of the outside world for the first time. Even though I haven't seen this film yet, and I don't know if or when I will, I do know that Abrahamson did direct the film Frank which was a really good watch filled with comedy and darkness. While I haven't read the novel either, it wouldn't surprise me if Abrahamson delivered roughly the same techniques from Frank into this film. It's already received some high-praise from critics so along with The Revenant, it's a film to watch right now...
32. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Gareth Edwards
I don't think it's any surprise ever since Disney bought Lucasfilm back in 2012, that we would see a ton load of new Star Wars content. While everyone is still getting over the recent offering of The Force Awakens back in December, expect there to be more as Rogue One will hit U.K. cinemas in December time of this year. While I will do a Force Awakens review very soon on this Blog, I'm not going to lie that the latest Star Wars film was a fun film filled with both pros and cons and to be honest, that's how I see Rogue One being. What has a me somewhat concerned is the fact that it's a spin-off prequel film, and typically spin-off's usually have problems when it comes to referencing the other 'main' series of films. I just don't want to watch this film and they continuously reference something from the films of the past. I definitely want to see this film stand on it's own merit and introduce new things perhaps that could be fun and intersting to witness. It's also another film that has Felicity Jones within it and it does seem to be a big year for her acting wise...
33. Assassin's Creed - Justin Kurzel
Looking back at video games that have been released in the past years, Assassin's Creed is certainly one of those series that always had the potential to become a film adaptation due to the amount of stories they have done up to this point in the games Ubisoft have delivered to us. having not read anything on the synopsis of this upcoming film, I hope they don't simply retell one of the older games since it would be kind of a bore. I do think they'll go for a different sought of storyline and with Michael Fassbender being the lead role, I think we could be looking at a very worthwhile video-game-film-adaptation...
34. High-Rise - Ben Wheatley
So the last film that I'll be mentioning today which comes out around March time, is Ben Wheatley's High-Rise featuring Tom Hiddleston. Even though I have never read the novel of the same name, I do know that it's a story that has this 'Robinson Crusoe' theme of survival, kind of similar to The Hunger Games, where people are divided and in the end, are hostile towards one another in which the society is crumbling and everyone is thrown in anarchy. What is intersting to note, is the fact that it has already received reviews that praise this film to be a "masterpiece", which I think that is a word that in reviews especially, is overused and can get tiresome, seeing a review of a film where someone goes on about a film being a "masterpiece". Having said that, it does fit well into the Sci-Fi sub-genre of Dystopia, and it will be fun watching that motif, mixed in with the darkness that it supposedly offers...
Right, and that I think wraps up all the films I wanted to share with you all. Not before you all start coming at me by saying "WHY DIDN'T YOU ADD THIS FILM, AND THIS FILM!". I am sorry, but I would be here all day if I had to talk about all of the films that are coming out this year. What would be good though, is a film from this year, that you're most looking foward to seeing and why you're looking forward to seeing it. I know there are other films that I haven't mentioned such as the 5th Bourne film and perhaps the new Bridget Jones film, but it would be too much to write about those films as well, hopefully all of you will understand.
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Before I sign off, I wanted to alert everyone, that there are only 3 full days for everyone to VOTE FOR ME, in the Blog Awards 2016, where if 'The Rabbitte Perspective' gets nominated, then I'll be off to London!! I'll leave the link to my page under the picture and down below where you can vote for me and be sure as well to check out the other nominations, as there are some worthwhile reads out there!! I wanted to also thank everyone who has voted for me already, you guys are the best and it would be a massive achievement if we could see this Blog get to London for the awards!! To those who haven't voted for me... Well VOTE FOR ME NOW!!! haha.
As always, thank-you for joining me in the first proper Blog Post of the year, I know it's been a bit of a while and I know this specific post is a bit long, but It means a lot that you all like what I put out here. Next week, I should be back to my normal routine of producing a film review each week. So expect to see a review of The Revenant next week!! Until then, I'm off!! Adieu!!