DNA of Homo Sapiens / Lake Biwa / Japan

Around Lake Biwa is all human's home.
Human's DNA was created by some important ingredients.
The Earth-derived ingredients,Mars-derived ingredients and other meteorites.
As for this,evolution theory is not correct.
Human's root is not a monkey.
God created human because God wanted see self.

Actually many space aliens tried to make original human-mold in the Earth.
Finally,aliens who lives in inner moon succeeded.
The aliens had black-hair and black-eyes.

First human were Man and Woman.(Adam and Eve)
In Japanese myth,they are called Izanagi and Izanami.
Izanagi was origin of Japanese.
Izanami was origin of Jewish.
Original Japanese and Jewish had black-hair and black-eyes.

Homo Sapiens and other animals are totally different.
Important point is "erect bipedalism."
Some people adore animals.
Because people think them as innocent creatures than human.

Of course, animals are beautiful and valuable.
They are living as they are.
They never think negative things.
They don't worry about tomorrow and past days.
Their attitudes and instincts are incredible but these are role model for human.

Originally ideal attitudes inhere in human nature.
We just apt to forget to remind these good attitudes.

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