I'M BACK!! and Reaching the Cross-roads... Blog Update #5

Finishing Uni/Movement...

So... it's been a while hasn't it!! Well, from now on, I'm back for good... well sought of. Hey everyone and how's it going? So basically before going back into reviewing films and talking about film related news etc., I think it's best if I come back to you all with a little bit of an update since I've been a way for a while and there are many things I would like to talk/catch up on. I'll firstly be talking/reflecting about University and how I've basically finished my time there. Then, I'll be talking about the Blog itself and how there are many posts and big changes to expect. Anywho, without further delay, lets roll on...

Onwards and upwards: Leaving Uni

As many of you will know by now, the reason into why you all haven't seen a Blog Post since late March, is down to the fact that I wanted to focus all my efforts into the final weeks and days of University and finish off a dissertation task that was intersting to learn and write about. I know what I will say now is a cliché thing to say for someone who's done a dissertation and what not, but. I do have to say that this thesis piece that I've done was probably the hardest thing I've had to do. Even though it was on a topic that I knew of already which proved to be pivotal in writing this behemoth, the writing I think does weigh you down; especially with the amount of words you have to do and keeping everything in an orderly structure and clear manner. I hope for my sake, I don't have to do that much amount of writing/typing ever again! ;).it has been nearly a week since I handed in my dissertation and I can't express how much I am relieved and happy I am that everything is over. Although, it is definitely weird to finish. It only feels as though it was yesterday when I was leaving for my first day of University, when I was waiting for the bus to come only to get bombarded and shouted an from an old woman because I was standing in front of the bench near the bus stop... very awkward situation I know! While admittedly, I feel a bit lost in terms of what I want to do in the near future, job-wise, I think in the end, going to University was worth it. I think that it has actually made me into a better person, in terms of expressing my self a bit more. It would be criminal if I didn't mention the people that I've met at Uni as well, particularity those people who did Film Studies like myself. Every day that there was a lecture, I don't recall ever having a dull moment with the people in those Film classes and personally, if any of you are reading this from my course, I would just like to say thank-you for the good times. I've not only had a good laugh with you all through these past 3 years, but I think I've learnt a lot from each and everyone you and I can't thank-you enough. I know that you'll all go far and do the things that you want to set out in doing and I am going to miss those 3 years! As for myself, I really don't know what I want to do. if possible, I would like to get myself into Film Journalism where I would be able to write up pieces that are about Film; whether it's a review of a film or an article that delves into the industry itself. I think the important thing really is to establish myself everyday. Even if its something as minuscule as refining my CV, every little bit helps. Honestly, I can't wait till graduation in July when I can really celebrate getting a degree in film. What is certainly a priority, is getting this Blog back up in shape and writing reviews for you all again. It has been too long and I don't really see myself being away from this Blog for a long time ever again. Speaking about the Blog, lets talk about what it coming and A BIG CHANGE that is happening...

(I think I speak for everyone when I say, this is how everyone feels when they've handed in there dissertation... haha)

TheRabbittePerspective - BIG CHANGES/What to expect...

So, I'm not going to beat around the bush with this, I'm just going to say it. Basically, TheRabbittePerspective will be soon, moving over to Wordpress indefinitely which means that I won't be using Blogger any more. The reasoning behind this Blog going over to WordPress from now on is basically down to the fact that creatively, I can do much more on Wordpress than Blogger which is very limited in creativity. Not to say that Blogger is any way a bad platform to start a Blogging site, I think it's a good way of beginning your own Blog. However, I think with Wordpress, I can make TheRabbittePerspective seem a bit better in terms of the design and what things I can put into my Blog Posts. What I think would be best to do once I've crossed over to Wordpress, is to post up all the film reviews I've done and that's it. I don't want to send over every-single Blog Post I've done simply because I don't think it's necessary. What I'm still undecided about is what to do with this Blogger page? I am thinking about turning it into a Blog which consists of posts like this one? Let me know what you think down below in the comments section. I think this move to Wordpress will be beneficial in the end as you'll get the quality that you all deserve to see and read. As to when I'll permanently move to Wordpress, I'm not so sure as of yet. What will probably happen is that once I've got everything sorted out on the Wordpress and I've put every film review on there, then I'll let all of you know straight away!

Besides this news of this Blog going over to Wordpress, I do want to talk about the things to expect, in regards to Film Reviews etc. So being that I did a dissertation around Japanese animation, I do want to comeback really with a Blog that goes into detail, the future of Japanese animation as it is something that is rather intersting to talk about, considering that Hayao Miyazaki is no longer making feature-length animations and there really isn't a 'figure-head' like Miyazaki in today's industry in Japan. Then surely after that I'll be reviewing When Marnie was There, potentially the last film that Studio Ghibli will ever make which will be screening across the U.K later in May. Having seen the film already in its original Japanese, I can tell you that it's a different Ghibli film that is different, but a must watch. Something that I wanted to return to that I liked doing in this Blog Post already, was to review the past Marvel films that we've already seen, I'm sure. If I remember correctly, my last review was of Spider-Man 2. So, the next film that's in the firing line is X-Men: The Last Stand... yeah, that's right, the X-Men film that for me ruined the X-Men film franchise as we know of it today. So that film, any many more Marvel films will be reviewed so make you sure to expect those from myself. One thing that I wanted to start doing on my Blog, once I've moved over to Wordpress, is to start two new sought of series of reviewing. One series in which I'll be reviewing films that I watched when I was younger, and another sought of series where I review all of the Harry Potter films, which should nicely set-up my future review of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which is due to release later this year. The reasoning for the first sought-of series, in reviewing the films that I watched when I was little, is because I wanted to genuinely see if those films were 'really' that good. Most of the time when we talk about films that we've watched when we were little, I think the majority of us are inclined to say that the films we watched when we were little are 'good' are because of the 'nostalgia' factor that it gives us, and how it reflects the good times our childhood. So I want to go further deeper into that by reviewing the films that I watched when I was little. I also wanted to review the Harry Potter films, simply because I think they're films that were a part of my growing through high-school etc. and they're intersting cases to review being that some are relatively good, whilst others I really do dislike compared to the other films. Other than that, I will try my best, in returning now, to review films that come out in the cinemas. I haven't really reviewed a film that  has recently come out in the cinemas for a consistent amount of time and I really want to do that more.

Well... I think that wraps up everything I wanted to say. So to remind everyone, I will be from now posting weekly again on this Blog site with new film reviews and general film talking points. When everything on Wordpress is set and done, then I'll let you all know ASAP. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things with this Blog, I have definitely missed this! Again, when Wordpress is up and running, all of the Film Reviews that I've ever done will be up on there as well, so you won't miss a thing! The next time I'll post something will be either later this week or early next week. Until then, I'll see you all later! Have a nice week!! :)

(How I say goodbye to people...)

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