Mochi Strawberries with Saito Sensei -

Mochi Strawberries with Saito Sensei -
Saito Sensei invited me to attend her 7th and 8th grade Japanese class a few weeks ago to make mochi strawberries. They are strawberries wrapped in red bean paste covered with mochi and I LOVE them! I am typically not a big fan of mochi balls but I love these strawberries with red bean paste and mochi. They are delicious and beautiful as well!

Saito Sensei is so kind to me and my family sharing the history of many Japanese festivals, places to sight see and wonderful foods to try. Thank you so much Saito Sensei!
Ichigodaifuku (Before moci wrapping)

Ichigodaifuku (after mochi wrapping) YUMMM!

Saito Sensei and I in her 7/8 Japanese class making strawberry mochi
Kumamoto Earthquakes –
We heard from many of you after the Kumamoto earthquakes on April 14th and the 16th, 2016 asking if we were alright and if we felt the quakes. We are quite a ways north of Kyushu on the island of Honshu so we did not feel any of the quakes.
We are closer to Osaka and Kumamoto is quite a bit north of Honshu.
If you followed the news, they are calling it one of the 4th worst quakes in Japan's history. Unlike most quakes in Japan, this one continues to experience aftershocks which are now updards of 1,400 since the original earthquake reached a magnitured of 7 on the Japanese intensity scale. 

They estimate roughly 80,000 homes have been destroyed and to date 49 people were killed in the quakes. There is extensive damage and when one of the pastors from our church went to help local churches the people were asking for just about any kind of assistnace. It is a month later and children are still not able to attend school and many are still living and sleeping on futons whereever they may find shelter.

It is heart wrenching and when something like this happens in Japan the whole country feels it strongly. Many Christian churches are sending funds and people to help in whatever way they can. Our pastor told us they did really basic thingks like clean up debris, hookup water lines and hand out food because the damage is so extensive they are still in need of the most basic assistance. 

Please pray for the people of Kumamoto and those who are called upon to help. May their hearts be open to the gospel and may many in the body of Christ be the hands and feet that deliver hope and the good news of Jesus to this devastated region.

Osaka Castle and Sacura –
We had the opportunity during sacura season to meet up with Momo and Mitsuki at Osaka Castle and eat lunch under the sacura trees. This is a traditional Japanese activity in the spring and I was so excited to be in Osaka Park and take in all the festivities.

Bob's attempt to play the shamisen
We had a wonderful lunch along the river and Bob even got to play a Monk’s shamisen. See the attached video of the monk singing a traditional Japanese song. I wish I had video of Bob but I don't.