Kyoto,Japan / Gozan-Okuribi / Summer festival movie / Fire

OBON week,middle of August is one of the most important week for ancestors.
We show respect and mercy to them in many ways.
In Kyoto,there is a interesting summer event of OBON.(Annually August 16)
This is called Gozan no Okuribi.
There are similar festivals all over Japan but Kyoto's is original.

Whole image of torch art

These big fire characters and symbols are for dead ancestors.
We wish their peaceful life in another world and help some of ancestors who still can't go another world.
In OBON,ancestors are allowed to visit this world to see their descendants.
To carry them to the another world again,sacred fire-power is needed.

We have a lot of OBON events,
Visiting ancestor's grave,Cleaning the grave,Having family party and 
praying their peace in our home memorial place BUTSUDAN.
Wise Japanese have OWN family line's memorial place in home.
They do home ritual every day.
Because there are countless suffering ancestors in every family line.

To tell the truth,Butsudan is really effective way to heal self ancestors.
Everybody should do Butsudan ritual even if you are not Japanese.There is no time.
An important point in Butsudan is you don't need any priests or paying money to any religious groups to heal your ancestors.
No more outsourcing.
You are the only one representative of all your wonderful ancestors.
There is the God over your countless ancestors.
If you can't love ancestors,you can't feel God forever.

Kyoto has deep cultures and festivals about fire.
This is because Kyoto is very old district in Japan's history.
In ancient time,Moses and his followers visited Japan to hide their Ark of the covenant.
They camped in Kyoto area for a while and visited current Mie prefecture.

Originally,Japan's old events about fire were derived from Zoroastrianism.

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