Visit to Line Fukuoka's Office

On Friday, my sub-zemi went to visit LINE Fukuoka!!! Lots of exclamation points, because it's so incredibly cool to visit the company that creates the app that I use every day.

Unfortunately, I don't really dare to share the contents of the talk, because of confidentiality issues, but, I can share the pictures that I took! And the office is serious adorable, because it has all the LINE mascots!

Brown, stationed at the entrance. 
 There's Brown, Cony, Moon, and I can't remember the name of the bird. But it's cute too!

And the huge Brown in one corner of the reception.

The office is actually really new, so there are still tons of flowers lying around. Does anyone know why they're all white orchids? (I'm guessing they're orchids?)

Not to mention James is here too!

Oh, and since Line is the biggest company in Japan, it makes sense that Lineする has become a thing meaning "to line" someone (aka send them a message). Kinda how in Singapore, we say "I'll whatsapp you" XD

And more pictures:

I would really like to chill and read a book here, while drinking a cup of tea.

And the Lego thing is pretty cool too!

 Oh, but one thing the talk made me realise was the Line Pay might actually be quite useful. Apparently, if you follow the official Domino's Pizza account on Line, you can order a pizza through Line (see the buttons below) after you sign in, and pay through Line Pay. Definitely easier than fumbling for cash when the delivery guy comes.

I might actually give Line Pay a shot, since it's supposed to be accepted wherever JCB cards are accepted. And it's a debit card, so there's no need to worry about overspending.

So, this is another one of those picture-heavy text-light posts, but I hope you enjoyed the look at the LINE Fukuoka offices! And I do need to make a report, so if you have time, could you please answer this question:

Why do you use Line/What would get you to switch to Line? (Oh, and let me know what country you're from? So I can get a sense of stuff(: )

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