God / Common Mythology / Ramakrishna is correct

The God is energy body.
True god is the only one in the world.
But the God world has three kinds of characters.

For example
Hindu = Trimurti 
Christianity = Trinity
Japanese Shinto = Amaterasu,Tsukuyomi,Susanoo

In addition,there are so many triple gods/goddess worship in the world.
(Greek,Roman,Egypt,Northern Europe,Celt)

Gods world looks like pyramidal shape.
It has three faces and 11 dimensions/classes/level
Some gods can appear as human forms.

But some religion have only one god.(Absolute being)
Those religions adore one side and one dimension.
Those religions occurred in severe situation countries.(international dispute)

Ramakrishna was famous Indian saint.(1836-1886)
He entered into various religions to know about the true foundation God.
He trained very hard in all religions.
And he was acknowledged as great master by priests in each religion.

What he noticed eventually = The true god is the same one but religions are divided
He insisted that only one God is like  "Sea of love" or "The Sun".

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