It's time for me to start with my Jogjakarta travel diaries, but before I give you my Jogjakarta travel guide, I wanna kickstart the Jogja trip series with a story worth sharing. "Kind" and "humble" are two of the most perfect words to describe Jogjakarta and on the third day of Jogjakarta trip, together with the new friends I made: Surya and Herlin, we went to have a relaxing quality time over good coffee and good food at the highly talked about Warung Kopi Klotok at Pakem, Jogjakarta. It's totally a humble and good one!

Spent my last night in Jogjakarta at the gorgeous Cangkringan Villa and Spa at Jalan Merapi, Sleman, my Arum Dalu villa was super gorgeous but I am going to talk about it more in an individual post.

Warung Kopi Klotok is located around Pakem area (before Kaliurang), that's about 15 minutes car ride from Cangkringan and around 45 minutes from Prawirotaman. First of all, you don't go here and expect something fancy, the coffee shop is very "ndeso"-humble style, technically a Joglo house transformed to this relatively spacious house and positioned around the rice fields. Here is how the  coffee shop looks from outside:
On the time of our visit, the coffee shop was a full house and filled with locals and tourists, the name of the shop might be "warung kopi" or "coffee shop" in English, but it's actually an eating house too (because referring this to restaurant is way too fancy) and they're highly popular for their homemade Nasi Megono that you can pair with various vegetable toppings, and the classic banana fritters. There were three areas to chill around here but my favorite one has got to be the semi al-fresco with the access to field and Merapi view but again since it was crazy packed, just by getting available seats would do us good. The interior was filled with mostly earthy elements and dominated with wood just as how typical vintage houses are, and since it was raining, you barely need air-conditioner here because the chill-breeze was very comforting!
The banana fritter station, guests can enjoy looking at the cooking process.
This is their "live kitchen", how at how humble and beautiful everything is!
They adapt the "prasmanan" or "buffet" system here so people can queue for their food and refill as much as they want, but the difference with the regular buffet is that you should remember everything you ordered upon proceeding with the payment and they will charge you with each items you put on your plate. Believe me you should hardly spend IDR 25k for plates (if you refill) of comforting and fulfilling meal here. Nasi Putih (plain white rice) is IDR 3500 while Nasi Megono is IDR 6500, Lodeh (kluwih, tempe, terong) is around IDR 6500 as well, Telur Dadar (fried egg) is IDR 3500, Tahu Bacem (IDR 3500) and a portion of Pisang Goreng is as cheap as IDR 6500 for 5 pieces. Where in Jakarta can you find food that's this crazy cheap (AND ALL YOU CAN EAT?)

Oh, did I mention that PREGNANT WOMEN can eat here as much as they want for FREE?
Banana fritters in the making!
Nasi Megono is nasi uduk (rice cooked in seasoned coconut milk) mixed with vegetables and salted fish, to accompany the nasi megono you can choose some vegetable toppings as well such as tahu and tempe bacem (marinated beancurd), fried egg, lodeh tempe, lodeh terong and lodeh kluwih. If you fancy a kick of heat to your meal, then their homemade spicy chili is MANDATORY.
The Lodeh Tempe
Had the Nasi Megono with a bit of all the sayur lodeh + tahu bacem and homemade chili, all this for less than IDR 20k (that's around $1.5 and all you can refill all you can eat!). This was so simple but seriously so good, I suggest having the warm Nasi Megono because personally it tasted better for me, by the time I finished my meal, they refilled the rice and my brother got the fresher one. The sayur lodeh was so so so good and perfectly seasoned, and if you love spicy food, you HAVE TO try their sambal, it's super spicy but elevates the flavor and dining experience!
Pisang Goreng - IDR 6500 (per portion - 5 pieces)
I honestly did not find the banana fritters anything special and because I heard so much fuss about it I did put my expectation way up there (especially when saw them being fried). It's not bad tho, the cuts were thick but it's lacking that sweet standard that I was aiming for.
Kopi Klotok - IDR 5000
What's a visit to Warung Kopi Klotok without actually having the Kopi Klotok itself? Kopi Klotok is basically just like Kopi Tubruk and the brewing method was quite unique: the coffee powder is first being cooked inside an iron teapot with high heat, and moments when the coffee powder is reaching its "burnt" state, water is added quickly and it will naturally peel the coffee powder off the iron teapot surface & brew it. Kopi Klotok had just the right amount of sweet and bitter that I found interesting.
Warung Kopi Klotok is a must visit for those who want to experience the beauty of the humble and for the sake of experience. Food is great, coffee is decent but I think it's the experience that makes me want to come to this again and again. It's best to come here with friends or family, it should be a good and relaxing 30 minutes-1 hour here breathing the fresher air surrounded with the green you don't encounter much in Jakarta. RECOMMENDED.

The shop opens daily from 8 AM-10 PM, but normally they will run out of food serving at about 5 PM and you're only left with banana fritters and coffee to choose. I think it's a good idea that they open at let's say 5 or 6 AM because I think it's the best morning time for coffee, but when it comes to me I can take coffee anytime so yeah.


Warung Kopi Klotok
Jalan Kaliurang KM.16
Pakem, Sleman, Jogjakarta
0812 - 2221 - 1635
Opening hours: 8 AM-10 PM
Average spending for two: IDR 40k
Dresscode: NONE!


Map for Warung Kopi Klotok

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