Huis ten Bosch Halloween and Wine Festival

Hi everyone! I went to the Wine Festival at Huis ten Bosch with my friends! We actually went there a few years back, but not everyone was of legal drinking age then, so we planned to come again when we're all over twenty. So here we are!

I've got quite a lot of photos (and not that much time), so this post will be a two-parter. Today will be about the Halloween and wine festival!

Huis ten Bosch is totally doing a Halloween theme right now (and a cheese festival too, oddly enough), so for lunch, we decided to go somewhere with a special menu.

and extremely cute decorations
One of my friends chose the cheese galette (part of the cheese festival thing)

And I chose this adorable black risotto! It's squid ink with cheese, and the flavour of the cheese was stronger than I expected (which is nice because CHEESE). The portion was just right too - I managed to finish everything and was pleasantly full afterwards.

After that, we walked towards the wine festival. And there were lots of interesting Halloween decor!

There's actually a beer festival going on (not to mention the fact that the wine festival is going on in two different places), but we were only interested in the wine.

There are basically three plans: The first two are the "all you can drink" plans. One is for the whole day, and the other is for three hours. Since we're all not very good drinkers, I got the whole day plan because I'm definitely not going to drink everything in one go (we decided to space it out).

My band. Got to show that every time I order
 The third, which is what my friends got, is a card that lets you sample 5 different types of wine. This is pretty good if you don't intend to drink very much (I definitely drank more than five glasses, and over a span of 6 hours so I made my band worthwhile)

And here we are! At the tasting session!

The wines were definitely tasty, although we stuck mostly to the sweet wines. (And mostly white too, for some reason, we didn't really get the red wines).

The last thing I want to share in this post (because I have to get some stuff ready for school but wanted to start writing because if I didn't this will never go up) is that I managed to try one of the Halloween sweets!

This is a pudding and while it's not as good as the salt pudding from Itoshima, it's pretty good. Plus the cup is adorable (though I didn't get to bring it back - I think you have to pay more for that).

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