Church Autumn Bazaar 2016

Last Sunday was my Church's Autumn Bazaar! Luckily for me,  I managed to be there so I could volunteer. Although I forgot that service started earlier than normal so I ended up coming late :p Luckily for us, though, the weather was really great and it was nice enough that I didn't need a thick jacket. Too bad we didn't have as many people as last year though ):

Got a book corner!

And a coffee and cake corner!

They had homemade apple pie (which someone bought for me and was fantastic)

And homemade chocolate cake (which came with a maple leaf so I got that). It tasted really good too.

Some pictures of the place:

Smart people buy their food ticket early. The curry was fantastic, as usual.

I was supposed to be helping out as a waitress again this year. But for some reason, not that many people came and I ended up helping at the souzai corner instead.

Which is really weird because the curry was really good (like I said). I had a serving for lunch and it was fantastic!

Maybe it's because we didn't have tonjiru (pork soup) and oden this year. But we didn't have as many people either, so we could only prepare curry.

And this is the souzai corner! Like always, it sold out early. But that's because it's 100 yen for one packet and everything is homemade and really really good! And because we're in a really prominent position.

I ended up buying two packets for my dinner.

I'm really going to miss this next year. I like helping out (and the food available) and I do look forward to this even. Hopefully even when I'm in Nagasaki next year, I'll be able to come and visit!

This Sunday, I have another accounting exam. I failed 3kyu (the second easiest) level twice last year, and since my teacher says this is a requirement for me to get my credits, I'm aiming for 4kyu (the easiest level). And I signed up for a related text happening the Sunday after that in order to maximise my chances. Hopefully I make it, but for now, I need to go back to my workbook!

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