Instafreebie Book Giveaway

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (If you celebrate)

I was going to post about the momiji at Dazaifu (went there with a friend yesterday) but then I remembered that I'm participating in my first ever group giveaway! Please forgive the two three exclamation marks in a row because I'm just so excited!

So I'll post about the momiji tomorrow because today, you should definitely click on the link at the bottom and get your free book! (Mine is The Nutcracker King, if you're interested in reading)

The giveaway is for Horror and Urban Fantasy books. There are 45 books in total, and you get get most of them free from Instafreebie! (And if it's not a free copy, it'll be a free sample)

In particular, I really recommend The Ninth Circle by Lincoln Cole (link leads to my review) and Underneath by M.N. Arzu (again, link leads to review, if you want to read more). I read and enjoyed both of them very much, and if you think they sound good from my review, then definitely go pick them up - The Ninth Circle is free and Underneath is a free sample.

Get your free books here

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