Black or white shadow / Nobody helps you / God's prime rule

There is a self spiritual shadow beside of you.
It is an invisible.
The shadow is remnant of your ordinary thinking or behavior.

Positive thinker's shadow is white or clear.
If you respect yourself,cheer yourself up,and love yourself,
your second-self will grow and sometimes help you.
It is true.
Of course your ancestors always help you, 
but second-you has strong power than your ancestors.
Nobody helps you in spiritual point of view.
If you helped by someone,it was what you had done to others in the past time.
Your behavior is always earlier than others.
You can decide everything in the future indeed.
Leader is you.

My friend asked me about homeless who are helped by many people.
She said that the homeless did good in the past time?
Answer is No.
If he has no handicaps and doesn't make effort to live by himself,
the amount of donation will be his bad dept.
He is just robbing self luck in the future or next life.

If you dislike self and others,speak ill of others,
and don't respect yourself,
your shadow is gray or black.
And the negative power energy sometimes attacks you
when you want luck.
So,nobody make you bad.
You did.

There is a time-lug in the reflection world.
What goes around comes around.
It is a strict rule of God and the rule itself is God.
But people don't understand the time-lug and sometimes
suffer from bad luck.

By the way,please don't speak ill of others.
Because their shadow comes when you are talking about him.
The shadow listens what you talk and feels bad.
And then,the shadow and your shadow fight each other.
It makes you tired and loses your energy.
So,don't talk about annoying person.Even think.
In other word,you don't have to think because 
annoying person will be attacked by bad himself in the future 
sooner or later.

How to make white shadow
1,Work neatly including housework
3,Respect nature that give you everything
4,Encourage and respect yourself

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