Final destination of rebirth system / Great 19 people / Black hair and eyes

You have many past lives.
We are repeating this rebirth system again and again until you finish your challenge.
But many people don't know what is the destination.What is the challenge.
People don't even know the world after death.
People don't know even what they are thinking.
George Gurdjieff said that human are always sleeping.

Black dots are your past lives in the earth.(This world)
Intervals "A" are terms in another world.(Death world/Another world)
So,your spirit is always doing seamless journey between the Earth and the Another world.
Your consciousness never die.

Generally,we stay in another world longer than the earth life.
We can own physical body only in the earth.
The body is rented body from all your ancestors and parents.
You are a condensation of all countless ancestor's DNA.

After death,we will experience blue light phenomenon.(A few seconds)
It is your whole life video's very short summarize.
After that,the movie investigation will be start.
This investigation takes about 49 days.
It is called BARDO time.
Your life video will be watched by dead parents,some your ancestors,dead relatives,friends and so on.
If you have many scenes of doing kindness to others or making efforts,
audiences will clap their hands and you will feel great.
But if you have a scene of bullying someone or saying dirty words to others
audience will be silent.Because they feel sad.

After the BARDO time,you have to decide your destination in the death world.(Another world)
The destination depends on your life video's quality.
Gravity decide it.
I mean kindness people have very light gravity like clouds.
So they can go to happy level.

Heaven and near heaven people = They gave good feelings to others.
Hell and near hell people = They gave bad feelings to others.
After you go to the level in another world,you will receive what you did to others in the material world.(The Earth)
This is really strict rule more than you think.
This is the God's rule. "What comes around goes around."
This rule is God itself.

By the way,if bad people experience bad things in the Earth term,
it is very good for them.
If they can't accept bad things during living term,
they will experience hell after death.Ten times as big as agony in the Earth term.
But don't worry,regular bad people can accept bad things in their old age.
Really worse people who had influenced on public innocent people,
can't accept bad things in their old age.
I mean their baddness is too big to accept in the Earth term.(Carry-Over)

You will be able to understand your appropriate level because the life video is open public.
No one deny the destination because people see what they did in life time.
So we have very special time in the material world now.
We have to make more noble scenes.
In another world,you can't visit other higher classes.Only lower level to meet someone you know.
And you will be fixed in the level at least 50 years.
Also you have to stay with similar people like you.
Same conscience level.

Although we have no body in another world,
people help each other in heaven level.
Everyone is kind and merciful.
In hell,people always destroy each other.
Everyone is unhappy,offensive and dominating.

We can meet various moral-level people only in the Earth.
Because the mixed world is test for us.
God want to see what human do in the mixed world.

We have been repeating the cycle.

There is an another important story.
When you are reborn again,you and UJIGAMI decide your next home country,parents and your body conditions.(Initial conditions in your life)
These conditions depend on your saved amount of morality/virtue value.

All new babies have to pay it before they are born.
You have to decide all the first conditions within the moral/conscience budget that had been saved in many past lives.
Some people pay much for great wise parents.
Some people pay much for rich safe country.

So,you already decided all your first conditions before you are born.
No one decided.You did.
But some people are complaining about their initial conditions.
They are just forgetting what they had decided.
This initial conditions are very counterbalanced situation.
I mean start of new life is definitely same each other
because all people already paid proper budget.
 After the first condition,your life is created by only your practical efforts.
No one create your life.You do it.
(But your ancestors and parents are always on your side)

And most important thing in repeated rebirth system is about final destination.
Our final destination is not going to the top of heaven.
The final goal means all human's common destination.
Please look at this illustration again.
This is the today's highlight.
All human are repeating reborn system until it is completely end.
If you can control your ego fully in this life time,you will be removed from the reborn system.
It is called Nirvana.(End of rebirth system)
Every human has same amount of part of God but ego disturb the sunshine.
Please think your ego is heavy cloud covers your sunshine.
Ego is always created by you.
Good people has less ego.

You are consisted of three sacred things.
1,Your consiousness,spirit,thinking = unvisual but your own thing = permanent
2,Your body given by all your ancestors = rented thing = temporary
3,Human's battery from God
When human appears in mother's uterine,
a part of God enter into the fertilized egg.
The process makes mother morning sick.
And when human dies,the part of God leaves your body.
The part of God return to the source.

But Nirvana is not just your final goal.
It has critical importance in other human's spiritual enlightenment.
Once you end the reborn system,your wisdom will be shared into all other people.

Until now,there were 19 people who had ended rebirth system.
Only 19 people.
 But there were many close-Nirvana people.

19 people are...
And other 16 people were ordinary unknown people like a 
peasant,mother,blacksmith...and so on.

After nirvana, those great people's characteristic(wisdom essence) are distributed
into all humankind's heart.
This is inner core-common wisdom.

For example
Jesus's wisdom essence = forgiveness allow,love
Buddha's wisdom essence = merciful heart,mercy
Ramana Maharshi' s wisdom essence = eternal wisdom,immortal wisdom

That's why we sympathize Jesus-teachings "forgiveness" even if you are not a christian.
Everybody has 19's wisdom essence evenly.
We have different religion each other,but it doesn't make sense.
All wisdom are great.
So I always read all sacred books in each religion.

Anyway,all traditional religions/humankind are not separated each other.

Whole knowledge is needed to understand about the Universe.

If spiritual-awakened person increases in this world,
it will effect other humankind's spiritual-awakening faster and faster.
Because spiritual wisdoms increase.
And we will be thr one again eventually.
The situation means "Reunion and living together in one heart"
This is the plot of the God.
God created people because God wanted to see self figure.
Our peaceful reunion figure is what God have been wanting to for.

Black hair and black eyes are important.
It is secret characteristic in spiritual point of view.
Above 19 people had black hair and black eyes.(Dark brown or Black)
Buddha's teacher,Laozi also had black hair and black eyes.
Buddha's most important pupil Ananda also had black hair and eyes.
Zoroaster too.

By the way
Laozi and Zoroaster, and other great prophets are not human.
They were God's subordinates.
So they were not in reborn system.
They just visited the Earth because they had to teach us important essence to human's destination.(Destination = Spiritual Final Reunion)

Ise-hakusando says that
the next awakening person seems like to be 
Grigori Perelman(mathematician)
He is listening math from nature.

photo by photolibrary and me

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