Truth about Jesus / Christianity / Innocence and original sin

Russia still keeps orthodox Christianity
and it has been protecting by strong Nation.

There were two men called Jesus at that time.
The truth is written on Dead sea scrolls but not open to public.
Two different men are considered to be a one in the Holy bible.

True man(Black hair and eyes/Yap gene holder) was absolutely innocent.(Nathan Jesus)
He was calm and shy.
The other Jesus was fake and just a magic performer.(Solomon Jesus)

Root of Ancient Jewish = Nathan
Root of Modern Jewish = Solomon = Economic Jewish = Freemasonry
Hitler was also modern Jewish but he pretended as ancient Jewish.

The fake man had a strong magical power to surprise and attract people.
He was mean and arrogant man indeed.
He made story about betrayal...Judas Iscariot(Black hair and eyes/Yap gene holder).

We have to think about who is the wire-puller in historical accidents.
If the wire-puller has power of political or economic,and popularity,
it is very easy to make someone false charge.
And in the fixed situation,innocent people can't explain about truth.

Jesus and Judas were falsely accused and killed by fake one.
The accident symbolizes human's typical ego.

Yap gene holders are always buried because evils and human's bad heart hate that.
Their death means they took a burden of human's bad habit in advance.

Human's worse habits
Making innocent victims/Making false charges on innocent people
Envying innocent someone when you are bad situation
Can't see calm truth,just see loud voice performance 

By the way,Mary,mother of Jesus was not a virgin but she experienced mysterious predictions by heaven.

Original sin means human's misunderstanding about God.
People think that God help us.
And People think God exist outside of human.

It's passive and dependence way to be followers.Not human to be.
All humans should be a self person in charge to help God.
God made human because God wanted see self.
So,we just to be very nice person like God.

 "Messiah's second coming" means forgiveness in each own life.
If we can do it,God's plan ends with eternal happiness.
God will be satisfied.
Jesus forgave bad people who injured him to death.

So,forget about annoying people in your past life.
(Of course you have to protect yourself from actual incident or crime.
But you don't have to think about or attack PAST troubles and people.
If you don't forgive someone,you will meet them again and again
in your next life.)
All human's purpose = Making an end of repeat-reproduction = End of reborn system

God can't help individual's each life and trouble because it is God-world's strict rule.
But God made the only law about the Universe.The rule is God itself.
It is "What goes around comes around"like a mirror.
So,if you make effort to yourself or do good things to others,
it will help you sooner or later.
You don't have to think about supports from God.
God already prepared everything we need.
God is just watching human very carefully.

But your ancestors (The nearest gods of you) are always helping descendants.
I think you always help your kids to live and your ancestors do the same things for you.
You just can't see ancestors.
Ancestors give us some inspiration in our life as guardians.
20% / Help from ancestors / Feel the power

Jesus represents humankind or Earth.
God of the Universe = Father = called Amenominakanushi in Japan
God of the Sun = Mother/Mary = called Amaterasu-Ohomikami in Japan
The Earth = Child = Humankind = Jesus

Jesus was a herdboy in his previous life. 
Also,Jesus was the personification of Sukunabikona god in Shinto.

Japan's land means a big cross of the Earth.
Four main continental plates are gathering under Japan.
It is very interesting and unique situation in the world.

These plates create Japan's big cross.
Japan Median Tectonic Line × Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line
Image by wikipedia
Horrible incidents or disasters always happen on big cross country Japan.
But Japan never die.

Jesus was a kind of first child of the Earth.
Jesus Crucifixion meant innocent victim without self faults.
He took human's sin in advance.
The first child especially boy always suffers from troubles than next children.
Next children are able to take easy life because elder brother or sister
already experienced many mistakes and troubles.

Old history of Christianity in Japan
There was a sad persecution story about Japanese Christians but it was a protection process for Japan.
If Japan accepted Christianity at that time,Japan's Nation and culture was totally ruined because European Christianity countries had a power to conquer Japan.
Public Christian people were always innocent but authorities were always for money.
Authorities have been abusing Jesus
Anti-Japan groups always focus on only persecution and making movie about it.
We have to know that every history has complex background.

Old history of Buddhism in Japan
About Buddhism,there was similar story of persecution.
Japan accepted Buddhism as a result and there was a damage to Shinto.
But Buddhism was needed to come to Japan because
true Buddhism will bloom in Japan.

By the way,Jesus and Buddha were from god world of the Sun.

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