About ego / Reason for existence / God's plan

In spite of the fact that every human is part of God,why human has ego?

Human needs stress to develop self.
We all were born to experience stress because there is no chance to reduce ego in the other world after death.
When you throw your ego away completely,you will be off from being in rebirth system.
In order to challenge hard things,we need to be born.
To be born in the Earth,you needed your body.
So,you rented your body by your all ancestors.
Please dedicate thank your ancestors.
So many family lines ruined in long history but your dead ancestors and parents
have been keeping it.
There were countless troubles and problems in each era or society.
Starvation,severe and hard weather,disease,war,immature law...and so on.
But your ancestors were managed to live and protected own children.
Don't you think it is a miracle and super lucky?
So,Japanese people do ritual for ancestors.To say thank you.
Imagination for invisible things changes you.

In super ancient time,human had no ego and human was able to contact God directly. 
It was peaceful world and human were doing what it should be as human.
It means they just dedicated thank for everything from God.
But ego started to swell and human began to worry about everything.
In the situation,human and God became unable to communicate each other.
and human made some traditional religions to meet God even though human is already part of God.

When evil's snake told about "comparisons" to Adam and Eve,
they knew the difference between man and woman.
They began to cover each sexual organs.
Until the incident,people were playing happily in a paradice without an anxiety.
God was watching the incident because comparisons will be the first ego of human.
But it was an important plot for human.
Ego was made by God not evils.
Evils want to control human by ego,and incite human to use ego.
Ego itself is not good but human needs ego to some extent if we can tame ego properly.
So God made human's ego.

Originally,human is not good at thinking.
Sometimes extra thinking causes your power leak.
It is waste of your power and energy.And the leaking causes mental problems.
We just decide something by situation of you.
Please place emphasis on decision not thinking.
You don't have to think so much because you can decide anything
without long time thinking.
When you should do something,you never hesitate to judge.
If you hesitate to judge, you need to wait to decide.
Very simple.

Extra chatting about gossip,soliloquy,or talking to oneself
also lose your luck.
These things make you economically poor.
Anyway,please prevent power leak.
You can accumulate your power by thanking about everything.
Everything is given by God and we are totally happy.

Wild animals don't think about past and future.
They always concentrate on "now".
Human baby too.
Baby has no ego until about 2 years old.

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