The Angriest: April 2017 in review

I spent a fair chunk in the middle of April visiting family and attending Swancon 2017 in Perth, so this put a bit of a dent in the number of blog posts produced. The most popular post here on The Angriest was my review of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Birthright, Part 1", which you can read here.

This month saw the long-awaited release of Doctor Who's 10th season. This year my Doctor Who reviews are appearing over at FilmInk, so check the website out each Monday after the episode's broadcast to read my thoughts on it. As always, my film reviews are now posted over at FictionMachine, including April's special-length essay on The Wolfman.

In April 2017 I reviewed two new films, nine older films, seven TV episodes, one anime episode, and 45 comic books. A full index is available below the cut.

New films reviewed (at FictionMachine except where noted) were:
  • Beauty and the Beast (2017, review)
  • The Fate of the Furious (2017, review)
Older films reviewed (at FictionMachine except where noted) were:
  • The Boar King (2014, review)
  • The Grandmaster (2013, review)
  • The Name of the Rose (1986, review)
  • Overheard (2009, review)
  • Personal Shopper (2016, review)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011, review)
  • Plunkett and Macleane (1999, review)
  • Rebels of the Neon God (1992, review)
  • Tale of Tales (2015, review)
TV episodes reviewed were:
  • Colditz, "The Guests" (review)
  • Doctor Who, "The Pilot" (at FilmInk, review)
  • Doctor Who, "Smile" (at FilmInk, review)
  • Riverdale, "The River's Edge" (review)
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Birthright, Part 1" (review)
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Birthright, Part 2" (review)
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Starship Mine" (review)
Comic books reviewed were:
  • 22 Mar 2017 (Part 3) (X-O Manowar, Bloodshot Reborn, Helena Crash, Star Trek/Green Lantern.)
  • 29 Mar 2017 (Part 1) (Suicide Squad/The Banana Splits, Black Widow, Heathen, Star Trek: Boldly Go.)
  • 29 Mar 2017 (Part 2) (Joyride, Divinity III: Stalinverse, Hadrian's Wall, Justice League of America, Ladycastle.)
  • 5 April 2017 (Part 1) (Extremity, Aquaman, Batman, Eleanor and the Egret, Giant Days, Green Arrow, Spider-Man, Superman.)
  • 12 April 2017 (Part 1) (Heathen, Action Comics, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, Copperhead, Detective Comics.)
  • 12 April 2017 (Part 2) (The Immortal Brothers: The Tale of the Green Knight, Invader Zim, Justice League of America, Motor Crush.)
  • 12 April 2017 (Part 3) (Seven to Eternity, Rat Queens, Silver Surfer, The Wicked + the Divine.)
  • 19 April 2017 (Part 1) (Batman, All-Star Batman, Aquaman, Batwoman, Daredevil.)
  • 19 April 2017 (Part 2) (Ms Marvel, Descender, Doctor Strange, Doctor Who: The 11th Doctor, Green Arrow, Highlander: The American Dream.)
Anime episodes reviewed:
  • Yowamushi Pedal, "Human Bullet Train!" (review)

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